White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #186

From Londinium Comes A Message Of Hope

Interesting developments in the Elders Saga. Real world!

The Chinese Elders, US Treasury and UN, along with the World Bank are now close to agreeing to phased steps for initial releases.

1. First Projects are being phased for Africa. Greatest need!
2. London will become the Epicenter for Elders’ Financing and control, as well as both their UN and Commonwealth proliferation.
3. We will assess Crypto holdings. No more can be said until done.
4. A sizeable Global operation is phased to grow once adequate London Infrastructure has been accomplished and funded to cope with the needs forecast. We will be using our existing US Partner Operations to coordinate with the US Treasury and UN. All is yet to be signed off and will take time. US Treasury links is the point of interest. As is the parallel UN. Elders already have key UN roles. As do the Chinese.

While details cannot be publicized, it’s progressing. A step at a time and a huge historical investment.

Trust is earned. Hard earned. NY has been bypassed for Fiscal control. The British Trust wins.
The first steps towards Global rebalancing and a better world. Relationship Banking. Hope for Africa. British Ethics to protect all. British Managed Wealth for the Common People. Zionist shielded.

Green shoots.

Stay tuned.


716 responses to “Information Briefing #186”

  1. Vivek Ramaswamy: As President, i’d back the dollar by a basket of commodities including gold


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      A Basket of Fruit Cakes in LA and Swamp Creatures in DC


  2. Like

  3. Notice the temps on the red graphed video are lower


  4. Horse manure. The vaccine is provably ineffective and provably damaging. Covid is just a cold. The scientists are missing something…


    1. It’s either bias or corruption. The results make no sense. Also given covid pcr positivity is nothing but a random results of generalized infection with anything viral, we need to look at these results with a very jaded eye.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar


      I looked into this many years ago.
      The potential gains are impressive, and enormous.
      All homes need mortgages both to buy and resell.
      Banks all want accredited 10 years materials standards,certificates, industry approved standards and warranties. Without, Builders cannot sell to you if you need a mortgage and you cannot forward sell as such, untested homes cannot be mortgaged. Your stuck with them.
      Allowing 2 years application Industry Approvals Certification, 10 years field testing, a year of reports and approvals, you are looking at up to 15 years with slippages to even get it off the ground. Good, even great potential, but bottomless obstacles. Not for Grubby Half Wit Dodgy Developers, and most are.
      Builders,Real Estate Developers are a grubby, slippery bunch of untrustworthy half wits, Chancers and rogues at the best of times. They want fast, easy money to spend and blow. most with the minds of a Ho. Bottom Feeders.
      It needs a major Market Leader to build, rent out and take time for approvals. They don’t have the Capital.

      Few have the imagination, most are grunts grasping only fast bucks,
      A lot of legwork for Grunts who once clutching profits are drunk on a Beach, or Clubbing.
      Yes to the concept, but real world Paper Tigers kill it.


      1. Thanks!

        So, as always, its government bullshit and government protectionism in the way…

        This is why we can’t have nice things, like $99K houses…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Hemp blocks keep you warm in winter and cool in summer. Also many structures internally can be hemp based. It’s a commodity with vast potential. Not least Hemp Medical oils.
          Hemp can be processed into a vast range of fabrications and materials. It has vast properties and is cheap to mass produce. Easy to work with and cheap. Textiles would outlast all known workwear garments. Beyond hard wearing. It would change textile industries.

          You’re on the right track but Yes, it’s the Suits, and moronic stupidity of Leaders.We have our own Chumps sadly. No vision, all Monkey Trumps!

          Once we only allowed elevation into power those of proven ability and achievers. Statesmen.
          Now it’s Oily Creeps, Usurpers, Grifters funded and owned by Jews, Attorneys seeking fast take outs on greasy Poles, and the Jewish control of the stupefied Body Politics today.

          We need the thinking parties of WHA here today, empowered and in position replacing grasping Attorneys, Free Loaders, Jew bait and Grifters.

          We need Shit Free Leadership and to scrap most oppressive Laws.

          Europe is for Aryans, Teutonics and Nordics. Unless approved to enter and assimilate to our standards, you can F off back to the hovels you came from and take your Mosques or Neanderthal conduct with you.
          America is deeply in the Shit. For the best of you, time to Quit. Or be Goyim Slaves to the Zio Rodents. They care nothing for you or your culture. Abrahamian Cults!

          The Romans civilised Britain and educated us. They developed a wide range of Cultures. As have the Greeks. France built sophisticated Cultural standards and the Arts. The Hapsburgs, plus Bismarks and many Aryans shaped Europe. Field Marshal Blucher arrived just in time at Waterloo to turn an impending Napoleonic victory into a loss. We were snatched from the jaws of defeat and I know that. Germany, you have your own English Bismark, Blucher and Hapsburg with you. Yet at Waterloo Wellington got the Credit. He was within a hairsbreadth of being decapitated by a vengeful Napoleon.
          Working TOGETHER got us through as is needed for the future. History and Culture required education and knowledge. One people. New Europeans. A nation of innovation. Mind power!
          Working together the Black Flag and Uk Flags will rise together to clear out the trash.

          Post the Elders GS, London will become a Vast BRICS center, freaking the Rotts and Zios, and will chart its own destiny, Politico free. There will be an outreach to Both Germany and the Italian firebrand. United we will stand. Pride will be restored and together we will stand.
          We will rebuild Europe, cut off Usury Banking, build peace with our Russian neighbours,, get the Gas and Oil flowing to people and Industries, and Seal those F Borders. The Human Rights Act will be out on its arse, the Socialists and Warmongers with it. We will rethink Politics to serve need.
          Patriotic Military Training will be given, to defend our own and boot the WEF.
          I can’t see the US turning the corner. The best of you belong here. At least you have that option.
          Wookies, Hispanics, Islamists and Arse Bred Hottentots are erasing America’s place to be credible.
          Think EU and Be Free. You can only carry so many Free Riding Free Lunching basket cases.
          One extra straw can break the Camels back, then the Mussies and Wookies want to screw it.
          Sodom can Sod Off!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

            Very true re: Waterloo.

            Napoleon was in pain that day and left the field for an hour or so. Marshal Ney was in field command and mistakenly took a 100 pace rearward move by the allies as a retreat, and mistakenly ordered an unsupported cavalry charge and was repulsed. It was a close shave, but if Napoleon had not left the field, it could have possibly been a victory for him.


            1. john2020vision Avatar

              Just when he had Wellington on his back foot floundering, the Black Flag of Buchel and the Prussians appeared over the hill behind Napoleon’s lines, and Buchel gave the Chilling Order to all, let not a French man leave this field alive today. Then the Prussian Cavalry attacked with Lances and Swords from behind. Late, but God we welcomed them. It changed it all.
              A Brit will reach out, with respect to our Germanic allies and help.
              We are all part Aryan,Teutonic, Nordic, Anglo Saxon and Celtic. Had Napoleon won it would have returned the UK to the horrors and Depravity of the butchering Normans. Also ended our Empire. The Industrial Revolution would not have happened. World changing.
              WW1 and 11 were wrong. No WW111 for us. No need for Zionist and Cabal greed!
              Time to unite and send the Wookies and Rodents into the night.
              End Usury Users, and pack off Warmongers. Focus on innovation to help each nation.
              Sharing good values, and restoring values. Protect our Children and Elders.
              Christianity not Muslim profanity.


    2. Well said on hemp John. I sold rebar for a company for 5 years in the nineties. I visited a jobsite where they were using hemp to build the house. I wish I could remember where it was and I would drive by there to see how it was doing. I just really rally for hemp products of so many kinds. It is so useful. And Thanks Tino for the article.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. john2020vision Avatar

    An excellent report from Munich Girl for the site and our Thanks.
    You are read by all.


    1. Thank you. And yes you would not believe who is reading here. The quiet chats in corners and in chambers all reflecting agreements to the solutions often mentioned here. The public faces seen on news shows are but one face. After hours they join us for discussions of a different kind. They all know what you are attempting to do with the gs is needed but they dare not say how much they want to see it openly. But trust me. They quietly cheer you on.
      Gott Mit Uns

      Liked by 2 people

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Sometimes it needs a hand to carry the curved balls.Yours.


  6. If you want to play…

    Here’s a list of AI for you…


  7. This is why we can’t have good things. Do not expect men to remain honest in the face of such corruption. The man should have received a promotion or a commendation, not sensitivity and diversity training.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thar be Bolsheviks there…


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      It’s really F’d.
      Now hopefully you realise why we want the best of you to come back home to Europe , start a new life and help us rebuild our nations in dignity, and to drain the swamp of Wogs and illegals.
      No more US Nuland Jew Laws from her and her Zio Marxist husband. No more CIA or NATO meddling. We want the US and Zionist Snout OUT of the new Europe. Only now are we getting the Vatican out, the Ho needs to flow.

      European Law for Cultured Europeans and shove the Soros, Zionist doctrines.
      America is now sadly a failing Colony imploding for all to see.
      When Europe rebuilds, it will use tough love and Cultured Laws, not the rambling madness of Washington’s AC/DC Whores. We will not see our Children end up Bitter, following America right down the Shitter.


    3. john2020vision Avatar

      Just how Obama came packaged. Fake Usurper Soetoro FFS wake up.


  8. German Economics Minister Habeck (Green Party) now wants to screen the heat and electricity consumption of all citizens over the last three years, according to a “decarbonization” draft law.



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Crank up the Ovens.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. The LLM/GPT models are really not as good as the hype. We are in another hype cycle.


    “Overall, because the average rate of getting correct answers from ChatGPT is too low, the posting of answers created by ChatGPT is substantially harmful to the site and to users who are asking and looking for correct answers.”

    Read through this entry far enough, and you’ll see that they also mention problems with credit and attribution of the sources…



  10. Like

  11. https://twitter.com/lporiginalg/status/1660848315364253696?s=20

    No problem. You owe 14T for back-owed transportation costs so we’re even.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      No point why fund stupidity to lose it all?
      How many have self educated? What is the point of feeding and keeping BLM?

      Liked by 3 people

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Bums who belong in a Zoo shop on Welfare at Wallmart. Those fat guts and arses ate it all.


      2. john2020vision Avatar

        Why not just eliminate the F need.


      3. john2020vision Avatar

        Gorilla snot runs free demanding.


  12. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ugh 😵‍💫…. say that again 😆😁🤦🏻‍♂️


  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    “…A correct anti-inflation policy would be to remove the sanctions that restrict supply and the free movement of goods and services. The Federal Reserve’s higher interest rates simply suppress economic activity, thereby reducing supply, and results in higher prices…”

    Isn’t that right out of the chaos-is-profitable usury playbook!


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Always the jaws lock on and the bloodsucking tongue activates.
      6,000 years of sucking Suckers.
      Erasing the tapeworm sorts it all.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Vermin seed and arrogant. See how they squeal when the trucks and rail carts arrive. Cattle to go!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Like

        1. john2020vision Avatar

          It’s YOU, or them. Until you get that they will suck you dry. They are 100% Incestuous. Goyims are inferiors to be exploited .
          They take it all. Shapeshift, lie and deceive. Carnivore Rats!
          I see no hope treating them with compassion. It’s one sided, they need broad siding.
          Once we had the Gunboats to put down these Scroats. Let our cannons roar.

          Liked by 1 person

  14. Like

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      I need to start a college.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Don’t recruit from BLM or Woke.

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Devin Nunes: Obama Knew… Obama Was Directly Involved – He Got All the Intelligence Agencies Involved in Trump-Russia Hoax But Knew It was a Lie Back in August 2016 (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

    Everyone knows and no one does anything.


    America needs truth and Obama needs real time in a cage.


    He nails it. Zelensky may well find that neither his villa in Italy or Miami is safe.



    America needs to stop the Obama. Criminal twisted cronies each are Ho to go..


    What AF Wimp and whiner. DUMP Markel you dam fool. She’s toxic bad meat.

    Traction is building for Motor Mouth.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      It’s sad that an over blown, over fed Orange Money Trump is all you have to fire with.
      Find better and Wake TF up.You have far better, many. FFS GOP get off your limp arses and organise. Both houses have good people. Shortlist and back the best.
      Money Trump will not deliver, again!


  16. This is propaganda from start to finish:

    The Cool Down
    The Cool Down
    New study reveals a major issue with meat that most people aren’t aware of: ‘The science is actually quite clear’
    Story by Laurelle Stelle • Friday

    Madre Brava study about Grilling steak
    Madre Brava study about Grilling steak
    © Provided by The Cool Down
    According to a new study, most people aren’t fully aware of just how much animal agriculture contributes to the Earth’s rising temperatures, The New Statesman reported.

    What happened?
    Madre Brava, an organization pushing for less polluting and more eco-friendly food production, recently set up a survey of more than 7,000 adults across Germany, Brazil, France, the U.S., and the U.K.

    Out of the people polled by Madre Brava, very few knew much about the meat industry: The U.S. held the highest percentage of people who said they know “lots” about industrial meat production, at only 8% of the population. Only 31% of people in the U.S. and 26% in the U.K. were “very concerned” or “extremely concerned” about the issue, and only 17% of participants worldwide accurately ranked industrial meat as a leading cause of higher global temperatures.

    Yet livestock accounts for 14.5% of the heat-trapping gases produced worldwide, about the same amount as transportation, the New Statesman reported, based on a figure from the United Nations.

    Cattle farming is also one of the main reasons behind the destruction of rainforests, which the world desperately needs to remove heat-trapping gases from the atmosphere.


    1. The only correct answer to anyone saying this:

      You are anti-human. Your belief system and your science is wrong. Not inaccurate, not partially correct, not maybe. It is 100% wrong.

      Provably so.

      Agricultural emissions, just like Co2, are roughly a 4th digit after the decimal place correction to world temperatures.

      There is literally no such entity as anthropogenic [human-caused] global warming, claims to the contrary notwithstanding.

      I’m not going to bother proving it again. I’m simply going to re-assert that blowing up economies both in power production (no fossil fuels) and farming (no agriculture or meats) for what amounts to a maximal 1 part in 10,000 contribution to the heat dynamics of the planet is plain insanity unless you want to kill people.


  17. We just completed a world conference meeting on line and we discussed the WHA articles. Overwhelming and amazing agreement and support of the elder financial plans for nations was shown by all. From Germany France Poland UK Spain Denmark Scandinavia the US Australia NZ and many other places it was fully understood the seriousness of such plans and how important the idea of using new elder capital to serve the economic development of people and not to plunder them as is the case now. Our country was destroyed once because we shifted focus onto society and away from capital monopolists, a big threat to them! We were all suddenly agreeing that the settlements are basically the same effort but on a worldwide scale and we can only express our support of such! Individual freedom and reward for what one brings to society with assurances of not allowing bloodsucking cults to destroy the beauty of humanity for the sake of a few who want it all at any cost and view most as soulless animals. Your guidance of the processes and awareness of the history you are very much aware of is most comforting to many and by large agreement you are seen as a real ally in a battle against mass ignorance and distorted lies beaten into the heads of people.

    John you most certainly know things we do not and we understand full on why you must be discreet. We know the idea that people in higher administrative postings who know of your work is not a surprising thing to you but it may be worth restating that in very key industrial corners there are people who watch and agree in silence with most of what you say as to causes and solutions.

    I would write much more but I must now rest more doctors order! But know that on the street the tide is starting to shift now. Our numbers are growing and starting to have impact.
    We will be working hard and watching!
    Gott Mit Uns

    Liked by 3 people

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      On your back again? Call me. Lol. Joking! As ever.
      I WANT the Motherland and Fatherland, plus Teutonics. to combine and set up a new Superstate.
      Sound core and good National Values. We will fight for our own Continent not Slaves to an Incontinent Israeli run DC, half of who are AC/DC.
      When the time comes we will unite and March again.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Also, have you found the head? Lol


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Munich Girl, Think.
      If the Chancellor to the Elders Global Empowering funds,choses to switch to BRICS, leverage them 10 fold in Non Zionist or Fed Banks, and uses that vast power to replan nations, boot out the Parasites and Bloodsuckers, and Hardballs Leaders to stop the Illegals, to smash down on Crime, Man and Arm and Block the Borders, Arm and Train a new EU self protection force, and to bring back Pride and Patriotism to our foundering nations, what could such a powerful entity achieve? To Defend the Weak and Meek, to protect the Children and Family values, to humbly and respectfully protect the meek and those in need, one humble enough to feed the Homeless, Sick and needy. One truly serving a Higher Order. A Millennia of Secrets. But God what a Mercurial sense of Ironic humour and Curved balls come with a smile.

      Look what your own Chancellor achieved when kicking out the Jews and restructuring. Our new order starts with sealing each border. No papers, no entry. illegals revoked. Deported. Clearing out the trash. If only the Rothschilds had empowered Good, not greed. To feed need.
      The Elders Trust and Entrust only one. One World Order will not be New World Order, but the Dawning of a New Man Kind! Putting back, and enlightening all. Ethereal thinking not Material Jews.
      This will be to Free Up and serve the People’s needs. To inspire and lead.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you John well said and your good will is appreciated. And those curved balls with smiles always. 🙂


    3. Thank you for sharing that, Frieda. I am sure we all would agree that world finance needs a good re-tooling. Too much capital is spent on war, usury, political graft and just plain waste. The earth has sufficient resources to allow everyone to live at the very least in a dignified way and in reasonable comfort. But burdening the administration of those resources with parasitical people who just have to have a piece of the action before it gets to the end beneficiary, is forcing too many to go without even most basic of living resources. We attempted to clarify the reason the last century saw so many die, not for a fight against evil (fairy tale), but for financial control and elimination of a system that threatened that control. It can be hard for many to get over the nausea they may feel when those Hollywood movie implants kick in after reading things such as our German feature, but that’s no reason to flinch or back down from exposing the whole story to those who are smart enough to understand it.

      We are not a historical research society but nonetheless we welcome any and all subject matter that is particularly revelatory in moving closer to anything concerning the truth of things that are vital to supporting the human condition in a positive direction. Personal feelings be damned.

      You have the freedom to speak your mind here. All do. So…continue.

      Auf Wiedersehen

      Liked by 2 people

  18. Like

    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      Yea…and I’m the Pope.


  19. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Yes the BBC should be held accountable, guilty parties Fired, and sued.Both!
      Jointly and severely liable.


  20. john2020vision Avatar

    For such a tragically divided and torn nation, action alone will both save you and return you to Glory Days, as the Springsteen song shows you.
    But act you must. Or it’s all bust. Saving America at a price. Exposing and cauterising the Zionist lice. You cannot succeed with Vermin seed.
    Doing nothing, you lose the plot and you will lose the lot.
    America is drowning under Shit. So many need, and deserve, to be dragged out and drowned or hung. No more mercy. The Founders would have hung the lot. Rightly so. Trash now rules,
    Because YOU let them on your watch. They are sinking the Ship. Your blowing F Bubbles!

    Trump is a blowbag who failed to drain the swamp.
    Why trust him again? Office demands are too high for this Grifting F Mutant.
    We fly orange Shrek Blimps in London when he comes. A Chump, a Joke and a Jackoff.
    The job is too big for that Flatulent Prick. The world sees and knows it. We just see a Fat Clown.

    Sadly, too many Americans are too blind and thick to know the difference.
    Save America – DRAIN the SWAMP! Shit for Brains failed, so who will step up?
    Shit for Brains is too stupid for the role. Biden must go.

    It looks to be Kennedy, Trannie Obama or who?
    Stop dreaming, give America a chance, swill out the Shit ! Of course you CAN!
    America first – Traitors Snouts out! Jail the Bidens! The crooked Baby Sitter too.
    Both Houses are full of Talent, Intelligent Debaters, let them free!
    So much hope, not an Orange Rope A Dope.
    Find your new Moses.
    Fast! Chump is not it. Can even Paul Revere save you lot. Hogs asleep on watch.
    Glory Days are not free. Act and change your destiny. Glory Days!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. To get it done, we need someone electable with popular support.

      As things stand, Trump polls between 20 and 59 points ahead of all contenders. Accept it folks. Deal with it.

      Only Kennedy has sufficient name recognition. But he is far, far behind.

      That’s part 1.

      Part 2 is a plan — a doable plan.

      And there isn’t one — short of dealing with the aftermath of collapse by default.

      A $500B protection-only, DoD and Courts gov, would work but neither the will nor the understanding is there.

      Part 3 is the treasonous Deep State. Where each and every bastard needs to have their head on a pike outside of Congress as a Roman-style message to future generations on what not to do.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Agreed on most but sadly the Orange Moron is really not up to the job. The mind of a 12 year old and it shows. A Petulant persona combining arrogance and stupidity.
        If only Kennedy can unseat Biden there is hope. The Republicans have so many good people, is No One in charge? Blindsided by a Mental 12 year old? The world will react if you slip in Biden again.
        Who will wake the F up in the Republican Party? What is going down there will affect the West. Left to Shit for Brains it will all go West.

        Europe must break off from the US and build with Asia. Time to reshape new Hemispheres
        will rule changes. All! We have to get the CIA, NATO and Fed out of Europe and Asia. Close the 990 plus meddling only bases. Warmongers trading body bags for Profit. Europe must self defend and cut loose the Cabal noose. Cease US Hegemony. Who the F are the CIA to replan Europe?
        F off and sort America. Everything is collapsing you now don’t know if you are Arthur or F Marthur.

        Once BRICS comes in you are in for really nasty shocks. You are the cause of Wars and run by Whores. When the EU falls, not only will the Fed Banks choke, but when Germany co joins the UK in an European Free new None EU Order. We will F off the WOGS and close every border. Adopting BRICS to see off DC Pricks. Europe will plan its own future, not Zionist Shark Agency lunatics with ties to Israe Hell. A None Jew new EU. In with BRICS out with Hegemony Pricks.
        This entire Energy fiasco and Jewkraine is all down to the Agency and Zios. Time to De Louse and Clean House. No more Puppets on the DC knee. Change is coming. Germany, Italy, the Nordics and UK will rethink Europe. Eastern Block and Free Rider Trash to go. Usury games will be up.


        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          “Agreed on most but sadly the Orange Moron is really not up to the job…”



    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Thank you Amdelika


  21. “This Is Basically Apartheid!” London Theater Slammed For Urging White People Not To Attend ‘Racially-Charged’ Play



  22. https://palexander.substack.com/p/does-he-look-latino-to-you-are-we
    This is no Latino male, be real.
    This is the type of rapist murderers I warned about. Trump was right.


  23. Like

  24. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar
    1. Sad to see what some have become. So don’t speak, don’t not speak, don’t react, just sit there and shut up, but that will also offend someone. What a waste of time!


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      On arrival, invading Body Bags! Sorted!


  25. Way past to go after crooked Clinton.
    She belongs in Jail

    Another crooked Wray deep state drone

    Beyond needed take the Bidens down

    Now at last Covid Fraud is being reviewed at high level Command

    Wray for jail

    At last organised claims against Hunter Biden are gaining traction


  26. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This is hard to watch.


    1. Argentinian weather for you… lmao


      1. There was a weather report?…


        1. Not sure… i couldn’t keep up 😆😂


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Now we are all watching.


  27. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/croatian-eu-parliamentarian-mislav-kolakusic-publicly-declares-who/

    Well said!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Speaking the truth!… loved it Biffie!


  28. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/report-confirms-dozens-senators-are-being-issued-taxpayer/
    The Department of Homeland Security claims the phones are a security backstop in the case of an emergency that “takes out communications” in part of America.

    A Department of Homeland Security advisory said satellite phones are a tool for responding to and coordinating government services in the case of a ‘man-made’ or natural disaster that wipes out communication.

    Many conservatives including DC_Draino are expressing alarm that a cyber attack prior to the 2024 election would be used to justify changes in voting procedures that will benefit Joe Biden. He argues that senators are being issued the phones to prepare for this exact event.

    Something to keep an eye on.


  29. New gateway port for China

    Russia, China and BRICS are muscling America right out

    For over a century China has patiently waited for this. There is no question that China has Russia’s back.

    Adventures in NATOstan: Sparks Flying in Ibiza, Locked Down Bilderberg in Lisbon — Strategic Culture



    Crazy games again.

    EXCLUSIVE: Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling ‘Especially Dangerous Pathogens’.

    It all started with Obama. Of course, expect nothing less.



    It maybe America’s last hope, whether one likes him or not.
    Wait until the truth comes out about the Ukrainians killed in Bakhmut which will be closer to 100,000 troops than 50,000. Their top General lies in a Kiev hospital having been wounded on May 8th and likely will die there.
    Meanwhile impeachment articles have been filed against Biden by M. Greene; she has grit.


  30. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    May the gods feed him honey.


    1. Loved him in Rome. Despite the over-the-top storyline, never has Rome and Romans been portrayed so accurately.

      He was my age, so it’s very sobering to feel mortality today.

      May his Soul have a fine journey and may God smile upon him.


  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  32. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Come on now….come on!!


    1. I know of this Pastor. He tears into them with every homily.

      The simple truth is the ideas of Western Civ led to the greatest advances the world ever saw. We abandon them at our peril. It’s not so much that the Black Man is incapable and the White Man better — it’s the ideas of Western Civ were developed and held predominantly by White Men. To the extent that other cultures adapted said ideas did prosperity for the masses ensue.

      African blacks were completely bypassed and are barely coming out of the equivalent of the European Dark Ages. In the US had the Democrat fangs not got into them we would have been done with all their bullshit by the 1980s. Had MLK lived, the revolution would have been properly completed.


    1. Should read “prints tumor cells into steak shapes”, which is the reality. Anyone think said meat is in any way fit for human consumption???


      1. Nothing but thoroughly disgusting and toxic, not ever food for anything.

        Liked by 1 person

  33. Like

    1. Forgot the ” it “


  34. https://palexander.substack.com/p/dr-james-thorp-is-a-global-obgyn
    STEVE KIRSCH: So could you then have your medical license revoked for giving your honest opinion like that?

    DR. JAMES THORP: Absolutely, yes.

    STEVE KIRSCH: So you’re caught between your oath [Hippocratic Oath] and your duty to your patients, and losing your license.

    DR. JAMES THORP: That’s exactly right. There’s no such thing— there’s no physician or nurse in the entire United States of America that should be believed anymore.


  35. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Correct. Still 370M living daily clueless to what is coming to smash them as it all implodes.
      Saudi is already stepping off the USD for ARAMCO sales..Soon the Middle East may no longer sell and ship Gas/ Oil to America . Asia is taking it all. BRICS will organise to drive the US out of all markets.
      China now owns Africa, by making smart planning use of funds. What happens when it embargoes critical metals sales to America? When it takes Taiwan and No Chips?
      What happens when denied Usury Baking Rackets the whole US FED system crashes?
      What happens when Russia, using Iran as the frontal launch pad, erases Israel?
      Be assured, from the Muslims to the Wookies,enough minds are focused on a Jew Virus.
      It’s only time. Covid was only a test run. A big one is coming. It’s only when.
      What happens when America can no longer pay for welfare and says No to the Mass Ho?
      When Usury Banking fails, implosion tracks. The State of DC says it all.
      Biden or Harris alone are unthinkable. Behind is worse. It’s all now a nightmare on Elm Street.
      Thank God the Kennedys and others are now challenging. They bring hope.


  36. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


      1. Liked by 2 people

  37. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    The Frankfurt School…


  38. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Resistance is futile…goy.


    1. Since when do “safety concerns’ get addressed post-approval?

      As a former medical-device guy, we do nothing, I mean nothing, in humans until I have a good handle on safety.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Hmm, And we are doing nothing post Fake Vaxes. vast Pfizer Profits, the incubating deaths for vast millions.
        Obama, Gates, Fauci and the False Priests really, really, really need a Nuremberg trial.
        As do Bush 43 and Phoney Tony Blair for the fake Gulf War and deaths.
        As do the crooked Clinton and BIden families.
        Nothing but the Cyrus virus will rid the world of the scurrilous Bloodsucking Zio Rats who have suppressed and infected the world. The entire US is a Jew conquest. A total incestuous Fiefdom.
        Their Demon seed breeds and subjugates all to its will. Look at Washington DC and the WH.Riddled with them.
        Their can be no reason, with this papacious indoctrinated Cult. They covet all.
        We saw now quickly Covid spread. Once released, the DNA targeted Cyrus Virus can bring long overdue resolution. Iran, Russia, China, India and the emerging Industrial Leaders need to help rid the West of these scurrilous vermin seeds. Nothing less than toalling then will work. Let Covid lead the way in the path of Vermin knowledge. Take the Flow to the Ho. Israel is one giant, rapacious Hole in the Wall Gang. 10 Moab Neutrons can remove most. The Iranian Republican Guard can invade and see off the rest. Cyrus can take down the usual US gathering holes. It’s time for mankind to emerge as Rodent free.
        A great plague once sorted London. What will emerging nations conceive? Most Criminal Russian Oligarchs are Zio vermin. Russia will shed no tears for them once gone. Time to let the light in.
        Thank God for the new, emerging Washington DC House forces. Yes to clearing out the trash.


  39. https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-rashid-buttar-rip-1966-2023/
    Dr Rashid’s colleague, Dr Tau Braun tweeted that while he was hospitalized, his bloodwork showed that multiple venom sequences were present and he that believed he had been poisoned with venom just after he did an interview on CNN last December with what amounted to a 200X dose of the Death Shot.


  40. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/president-loon-biden-rambles-incoherently-about-south-korean/
    what a disgusting and embarrassing thing this guy is.


    1. Omg! So embarassing!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  41. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/obama-banned-russia-hundreds-blacklisted-direct-involvement-pesercution/
    Former President Barack Obama is among “500 Americans” banned from entering Russia in response to a new round of US sanctions.

    On Friday, the Russian Foreign Ministry published a list effectively blacklisting hundreds Americans from the country with immediate effect.

    Individuals are banned by the Russian government for supplying Ukraine with arms and persecuting Americans who sought to stop Joe Biden’s certification as president on January 6, according to a press release issued by the ministry.

    The Russian government has repeatedly questioned the legitimacy of the Biden administration’s prosecution of Americans who protested at the US Capitol on January 6.

    J6 political prisoners are aghast that Putin is demonstrating more interest in protecting political dissent and the First Amendment than the US governement and the GOP.


  42. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    Your future executives, politicians and scientists.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Next thing is they walk out and piss in the street.


  43. Like

    1. Utter f’ing bs on the reader-added content. SIDS dropped phenomenally during the pandemic because well-baby visits dropped to zero. The CDC is doing a statistical tap dance the likes of which has never been seen. I believe virtually all regular vaxx and SIDS stats are being gamed and outright corrupted or faked for that period. The existence of pediatric groups with near zero autism and SIDS, all of whom which suppress or delay vaxxing on the QT says it all. What drives me crazy is that the collated data would prove the anti-vaxx narrative but no one talks because the authorities would come down on all these practices.


  44. Trump will marry one soon,

    This is gaining traction. Worldwide now

    This keeps getting air space

    The world is running with this now

    This is now frightening LA

    This Kennedy is a stand up guy

    Flame throwers

    2 German Patriot Reservists to keep fit decide to spend a week together hiking across the Bavarian mountains and valleys. New scenery.
    A few days later both friends were becoming erratic with each other so they agreed to split and each spent a night and day alone doing their own thing then would regroup the next day. day.

    Otto was back first and Heinz was an hour late from when agreed.

    How did your day go Otto, Heinz asked.
    Fantastic Otto answered.
    I walked the hills and valleys in the blazing sun, I ate wild berries and fruit, swam in crystal clear waters, Wonderful I laid back in the cool grass and let the sun dry me off.
    I have never felt more alive.
    How was your day asked Otto?

    You can not believe what happened to me, said Heinz..
    Alone in the wilderness and valleys, I came across the most spectacular naked woman’s body tied to the rail track.
    I spent 4 whole hours making wild passionate love with her, every and any way. I blew my mind, God what a body.
    Sensational, I’m drained for a month now.
    Wow said Otto, you really scored.
    Are you going to see her again?
    No Heinz said, we are done.
    Why ever not, asked Otto? What made you an hour late, I was getting worried?
    I know, said Heinze . At the end I spent the last hour looking for her head, ,but I couldn’t find it and so I came back.


    1. Oh my John that was kind of dark but very British! lol


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Translate and circulate for those with a brain to appreciate risque humour.
        No offence is ever meant it’s just joking.


    1. We need to keep exposing this scum.

      Liked by 1 person

  45. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  46. BELLINGCAT—Who Funds the Favorite Outlet of NBC & the CIA?

    Liked by 1 person

  47. As a young Med student I scrubbed in on a 16-hr tumor removal and it nearly killed me. The operation was successful. The tumor turned out to be benign, but its compression effects were not. Hence the surgery. Thankfully, slow growing, the patient will die of natural causes before the recurrence over 40 years would cause her any problems.

    Meanwhile kudos to the surgeons below.

    Liked by 2 people

  48. https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/watch-latino-voter-predicts-mass-hispanic-exodus-from-democrat-party-in-2024-there-is-a-tsunami-going-on-mace/

    During a Friday interview on Fox News, Latino voter, Johnny Nunez, made a striking prediction signaling a potential mass exodus of Hispanics from the Democratic Party in the upcoming 2024 elections.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Have to keep an eye on this and see how it pans out. Interesting.


  49. Like

  50. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Top Gun-ski


    1. So the US trains ukraines to fly f-16s and russia shoots them down. hhhmmm…


    1. WOW! Shocking!


  51. https://youtu.be/Bhcl7OCOOhg Who owns the hotel’s housing the ilegal aliens in New York?


    1. The Holiday Inn Manhattan Financial District was just approved to house asylum seekers for the next 15 months. William Farrington A federal bankruptcy judge in Manhattan approved the plan on Monday submitted by the hotel’s owner, Chinese developer Jubao Xie.

      NYC Holiday Inn could earn 93,000 daily to house migrants…

      Here’s is one owner and now you know why.

      Liked by 1 person

  52. We’ve lost Dr. Buttar, possibly to foul play…


  53. Meloni goes nuclear power for Italy…

    Good girl. She saw what crap went down being dependent on fossil fuel from other nations… especially Germany.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      How about ALL Americans? Perpetual Welfare Trash should not have Voting Rights.
      Putting nothing in, No Say!


  54. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/san-jose-high-school-students-confront-board-about/
    The students allege that homeless people are in the bathrooms and using drugs at the lunch tables.

    “We see them coming into our bathrooms. We have them sleeping in our athletic shred and we also have them breaking fences and doing drugs on the lunch table,” student Alfredo Hernández said during the board meeting, according to a report from NBC News.

    The high schoolers said that the problem has been ongoing for roughly a year.


  55. “There’s a case unfolding in San Francisco that’s causing a lot of concern and getting a ton of attention. A young, black transvestite was caught shoplifting, and as a result, a black security guard ended up shooting and killing him. The security guard says it was self-defense and authorities quickly agreed. No charges were filed and he’s completely off the hook.”

    “Many people are noticing the differences between this event and a recent similar incident that took place on a New York City subway, where a violent “Michael Jackson” impersonator threatened a train full of commuters. The outcome of that incident differed significantly, and many believe this is further proof that we have a broken, weaponized, political justice system.”



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Was it Obama or Mike ?


    1. Rats… you beat me to it. That just landed in my feed. They are all so ooouuuttt of their minds…

      Liked by 1 person

  56. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    We must be out of our minds.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Dreaming Jobsworths all of them.


      1. I did not know the meaning of jobsworth so I learned more British words today. 🙂

        And no I would not be in that crowd with the god word on my torso lol. I would be the girl with the whip spanking your bottom! 🙂


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          A feisty joke I sent you has been withdrawn so it has to be formatted tomorrow. The kicker is the end you will not be expecting. A complete curved ball. A John special so look out for it. Germans with humour will love it.


  57. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  58. Watch “Marjorie Taylor Greene silenced at hearing” on YouTube

    Marjorie is gaining traction as she calls out Americas Traitors. The world watches, and knows.

    I do not know if i should laugh or cry or drink

    From a Contributor His Voice to Be Heard

    Yes, I know those Russians are backward. With Russia, being a backward shit hole of a country with the economy smaller that Latvia. My goodness no toasters and no lawnmowers, what to do ? Driven to drink Vodka. Foolishness at its’ worse.

    If people could think and understand what real economies are and what and where actual production occurs they might understand very little is made in Western countries. Most of this comes from Asia. Meaningless nonsense from a crowd who are like an abandoned unwanted dance partner.

    There are 80+ countries now wanting to join the BRICS, and the West is not invited or desired.

    This flawed thinking is what happens when one is completely detached from the realities of a real industrial productive economy and emerging Eurasian (colossal) market, whose details, including possibly the new reserve currency (or basket of currencies) will be discussed in St. Petersburg mid June. Again the West is not going to participate. How does a dismissed and diminished western construct deal with a reserve currency that they are not a part of? Will there be a diminished value of exchange for such currency? The reality is that those toasters and lawn mowers might have a much more different meaning coming from Asia priced in an acceptable currency to producers and not consumers. Sanctions will be meaningless then as they are now.

    МОСКВА, 19 мая. /ТАСС/. США ввели запрет на ввоз в Россию ряда телефонов, диктофонов, микрофонов и бытовой техники. Соответствующий список опубликован Минторгом США. В перечень входят электрические проточные или накопительные водонагреватели, электрические утюги, микроволновые печи, кипятильники, электрические кофеварки и тостеры. Также запрещено поставлять в РФ линейные телефонные аппараты, беспроводные телефоны, диктофоны. Вместе с тем в список включены сушилки для белья, машины и аппараты для фильтрации и очистки воды, снегоочистители и снегоуборочные машины, газонокосилки, сельскохозяйственная техника, стиральные машины и швейные машины. Помимо этого, к ввозу запрещены литий-ионные аккумуляторы, аккумуляторные батареи Nesio, пылесосы, измельчители пищевых продуктов, электрические лампы.

    Translation: MOSCOW, May 19. /TASS/. The United States imposed a ban on the import into Russia of a number of telephones, voice recorders, microphones and household appliances. The corresponding list is published by the US Department of Commerce. The list includes electric instantaneous or storage water heaters, electric irons, microwave ovens, water heaters, electric coffee makers and toasters. It is also prohibited to supply linear telephones, cordless telephones, voice recorders to the Russian Federation. However, the list includes clothes dryers, machines and apparatus for filtering and purifying water, snow plows and snow blowers, lawn mowers, agricultural machinery, washing machines and sewing machines. In addition, lithium-ion batteries, Nesio batteries, vacuum cleaners, food grinders, and electric lamps are prohibited from being imported.

    ‘Radioactive cloud’ threatening western Europe – Russian security chief — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
    A Contributor

    The sad truth is denial will be the way of NATO until the damage shows in in yet to be born children. Only then will the horror similar to what has been seen in Syria will be obvious to the public. The first public acknowledgment was the videos and pictures of robots being used to extinguish the fire. Why? Because firemen would be dead by being there.
    The land contaminated by the dust will be useless for at least 20-25 years. People really need to be aware of what has occurred and how they will be affected. The Polish people have been tasked with a heavy burden now.
    When you look into Patrushev’s eyes know that if the winds had turned eastward Kiev would already cease to exist along with other cities of enablers of Zelensky. And all the talk of a frozen conflict much like Korea is an illusion. Once the Ukrainians launch their loudly sounded offensive, they will suffer the same fate as the army already destroyed. Expect to see stories and reports of thousands dying daily. And should the Neocon crowd launch their NATO forces into Ukraine as Ukrainians die in mass numbers we should not be surprised to see a tactical nuclear standoff or worse.
    Once NATO published their colored map of how they see the breakup of Russia into 40 odd states; it became clear what the intention is and how Ukraine is a simple battering ram to be expendable. Whether nations like Poland or Romania learn from this remains to be seen. And given Hungary clearly understands how Zelensky has actively considered blowing up their gas and oil pipes upon which their economic survival depends there are no warm sentiments left.


    Recorded conversation between Asst. Sec. of State Victoria Nuland and Amb. Jeffery Pyatt – YouTube

    Nuland is noted here. A Zionist Marxist Shill

    How can it be denied that this is not Nuland’s war?
    Neocons care about no one and nothing but their agenda.

    Poland Quietly Pushes for Zelenskyy Resignation; European Leaders Losing Trust in Ukrainian President: Report – Becker News

    Polacks need not be sacrificed to Zionist land grabs for Jewkraine.

    One imagines that Poland will have more incentive after seeing a nuclear dust cloud on their soil.


    Fully exposing this and more



    Is he a Democrat postal voter?


    Go for shitty schiff


    They will crush truth


    Remember them?



    She’s too dumb for this role


    For Munich Girl lol

    Storm clouds are building

    Credit the good Americans trying


    A huge Watershed moment for Russia. How much longer will the West keep pumping scarce assets into a lost Jerkraine cause?

    Today, the Wagners officially captured all of this city.
    The next week will be spent clearing the mines and building defense lines.
    It will be interesting to see how long it takes for official acknowledgment by Zelensky and what comes forth to change the narrative.

    Sorry to our US associates but Trump is ridiculed by Leaders. Yes, a Fool. Lets get better parties out ahead asap.

    Good work


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    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Road fill?

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