White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #186

From Londinium Comes A Message Of Hope

Interesting developments in the Elders Saga. Real world!

The Chinese Elders, US Treasury and UN, along with the World Bank are now close to agreeing to phased steps for initial releases.

1. First Projects are being phased for Africa. Greatest need!
2. London will become the Epicenter for Elders’ Financing and control, as well as both their UN and Commonwealth proliferation.
3. We will assess Crypto holdings. No more can be said until done.
4. A sizeable Global operation is phased to grow once adequate London Infrastructure has been accomplished and funded to cope with the needs forecast. We will be using our existing US Partner Operations to coordinate with the US Treasury and UN. All is yet to be signed off and will take time. US Treasury links is the point of interest. As is the parallel UN. Elders already have key UN roles. As do the Chinese.

While details cannot be publicized, it’s progressing. A step at a time and a huge historical investment.

Trust is earned. Hard earned. NY has been bypassed for Fiscal control. The British Trust wins.
The first steps towards Global rebalancing and a better world. Relationship Banking. Hope for Africa. British Ethics to protect all. British Managed Wealth for the Common People. Zionist shielded.

Green shoots.

Stay tuned.


716 responses to “Information Briefing #186”

  1. Like

  2. I just had an interesting conversation.

    The bottom line — medium and large companies are going woke because they are being quietly told they will be denied credit and float if they don’t. It is unclear who is doing the telling.

    Yes, there are also SJW’s and other useful idiots in the mix, but they are enablers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I believe that 100%… IMO,, peeps like Obama and many others are pawns


      1. It seems this YouTube is the source. The salient part starts at 11 minutes in and explains the ESG linkage.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That vid is right me thinks!… it reminded me of ESG… also think a lot of this crap it to take attention away from some other bad stuff,,, like child trafficking… look at how many kids are going missing from the border fiasco alone… also think a certain family owns a ton of everything… for example,, this family owns a small railroad,, but that railroad owns 51% of almost all other railroads… and they own so much more… money and power call the shots


          1. john2020vision Avatar

            All this is shown on WHA.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. https://www.unz.com/jfreud/the-narrative-says-america-went-from-a-white-supremacist-republic-to-a-world-of-diversity-inclusion-equity-but-current-america-is-really-a-jewish-supremacist-empire-with-d-e-i-as-cover/
    The Narrative Says America Went from a ‘White Supremacist’ Republic to a World of Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity, But Current America Is Really a Jewish Supremacist Empire with D.E.I as Cover


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Correct and the Depravity and corruption is sickening.
      They screwed Palestine and America.
      We will nail them in Europe and the Far East. .


      1. John,
        I have a couple of questions concerning corruption but I will first explain our agenda.
        We have an environmental company that remediates hazardous waste. The technology was developed at one of the national labs and paid for by the Dept of Energy for the Dept of Defense. It has many applications and couples with our other technologies. We also have contacts at other national labs. Once we get funded we will try and help clean up Mother Earth. Having said this which is to much we will not deal with Woke or Corruption. We don’t believe in Courts or Legal Suits. We tell everyone that on the front end and will handle things in house. The technologies are still under wrap. My question is does your group have to deal with Woke? I know that corruption is there with the UN, US Treasury and World Bank. If you can’t answer it’s understood.


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          The Elders will do Nothing without consulting their Trusted London associates.
          The Principle Call from from their key Attorneys this week, was to seek assurances that their key London Trust, Strategy and Structuring Trust Advisor will commit to stay in place for them for the next 5 to 10 years, helping lead, structure and protect all.
          London will NOT deal with Woke. Zios, Corruption or Limp Brains. Ethics will rule.
          London has a Duty of Care both towards the Elders and the Human needs we serve. Post the phased releases, the group will consider all Beneficial Developments for Human kind.Zio and Corruption Free.

          To keep the focus of London support, it is incumbent upon the parties in power, to support the agreed and planned strategies, and all know that. One Agenda. London will have Global oversight, and all that goes with it. Empowered Integrity. Intense, hugely complex dialogue is in daily play.
          Zio and Vatican Knee Free!

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Thanks and for knowing that the real fight is ahead.


  4. https://www.unz.com/isteve/nyt-black-lives-matter-got-15-times-more-blacks-murdered-than-it-saved/
    Too bad about all the extra Black Lives Murdered, but if you make your living as an anti-white racist activist, it’s all good.


  5. Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Indians and Pakkies loose?


  6. ‘Devastating’ Cleveland Clinic Study Reveals More COVID Vax Doses = MORE COVID

    “Cleveland Clinic is rated the number two hospital in the world. And so, when a study comes out of Cleveland Clinic, people take it very seriously,” explained Steve Kirsch. “And this study was devastating for the vaccine.”

    What they found was that people who took four doses or more were about 3.5 TIMES more likely to be infected with COVID than unvaccinated individuals.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Something unheard of in the annals of medicine…


  7. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Hi, I am Tony, and I use FUCK OFF pronouns.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Ledger crypto wallet news..


  9. A short break from serious stuff…


  10. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    NESARA High Priestess

    This was Wendy of the Wendy/Casper mass prosperity NESARA updates that only stopped once she and Casper died. This was her response to being challenged on her facts and to the damage being done to followers after 20 years of zip. Yep, her story never changed…right to the bitter end. Twenty years she waited…for nothing.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Bottom feeders all lobotomised.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Now you get it. We have to scourge our lands of Mutants.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Once you accept the truth of it all, the rest, however improbable, needs to happen.

        Plus, given where we are at, as someone braver than me said: “Come on, you apes! You wanna live forever?”

        Enjoy the end of Angel:


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          We don’t ( Yet) have effective Drugs to remove a vile. pernicious and Ugly Zionist Cult, but enough Global parties see and hear the Need for the Cyrus Virus. Mankind cannot live on Bread alone, Nor Under the Heel of this Vile, Incestuous Bloodsucking Cult. I feel for the Good, but how do we weed out the Bad? Indoctrinated Perverts. Such an Evil sub -species. Better gone!
          It’s a dichotomy. Protecting the good. Weeding the Vermin.


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Is that Munich Girl with the God Tattoo?

      There goes the Coffee.


  11. https://rumble.com/v2oqd6l-tinyd.html


  12. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/wayne-root-everyone-has-missed-real-revelation-durham/
    We are living in an age of mass deception, distraction and denial, of mass brainwashing. We might as well all be living in Jonestown, Guyana and following the orders of Jim Jones.

    That’s how bad it is. It’s all laid out right in front of us. But no one can see it. Or maybe no one wants to see it. The Durham Report is “the canary in the coal mine.”

    It’s all Obama. It’s always been Obama. Obama is the REAL “Big Guy.” Obama is the REAL criminal mastermind. Obama was the head of the snake. Obama was the John Gotti of the US government, overseeing a massive criminal conspiracy. Obama was the head of the “Obama Crime Family.”

    Liked by 1 person

  13. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Typical money-grubbing tin-pot puppet Zionist shill.


  14. It is so stupid, so anti-human, so ignorant — The air in Earth’s atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. Air also has small amounts of other gases, too, such as carbon dioxide, neon, and hydrogen. The idea that farm nitrogen emissions are any kind of a problem is even more inane than the CO2 bs.


    Liked by 1 person

  15. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  16. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  17. Time is Running Out

    This is probably why the Russians never launched a winter offensive. Because there is no need for Russia to launch an offensive in order to win the war in Ukraine. All they need to do is hold their positions, methodically destroy everything that is thrown at them, and reportedly, within five months, the flow of military material to the Ukraine regime will stop and its NATO-funded military will collapse.

    Ukraine has five months to demonstrate some “advances” to the US and other Western backers, to convince them of its plans for the conflict with Russia, the Financial Times reported on Thursday, citing several European and American officials.

    by Vox Day


  18. https://www.facebook.com/reel/780001790189106?sfnsn=scwspmo&s=F5x8gs&fs=e

    So where is justice?


    China is Coming and the West will be running

    Russia will prevail.

    Coming to a Munich Freidasberg near you. Hands across nations. Free and return Europe to its people. Deportation for each Freed Nation.


    1. Amen John! Before us lies Germany, within us marches Germany, and after us comes Germany!
      Gott Mit Uns!


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Next year maybe Germany comes. Lol
        After us Germany will want a replay.


        1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

          sheesh lol


        2. john2020vision Avatar

          Jeez Freida you mean its on video?


        3. Oh you are so bad! I had a laugh on that. How did such a sweet little boy grow up to be so bad?? 🙂


          1. john2020vision Avatar

            Just for you and no filming.
            50 M German husbands will come up short. Lol


          2. john2020vision Avatar

            The good Guy is still there but developed to deal with Zionist , Jesuit and Papist trash.
            Always the fight is for Right and Humanity. Never Zionist, Marxist or Papist insanity.




  20. john2020vision Avatar

    Tensions at the Royal Place as Princess Catherine refuses to courtesy to Charles Mistress.
    Catherine blanks her like a Whore. Charles is a Right Charlie. His kids are calling him out, next they will throw him out. Ego alone brings an unfit Mental Midget to the Throne. All know he’s unfit for the role. Democracy strikes at the Palace. Charlie boy has dissent. William faces him down and flatlines him. Can the Half Wit take the heat?


  21. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      The American way. Looting theft.


  22. Like

  23. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/justice-neil-gorsuch-speaks-out-against
    In a statement made today on a case concerning Title 42, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch breaks the painful silence on the topic of lockdowns and mandates, and presents the truth with startling clarity. Importantly, this statement from the Supreme Court comes as so many other agencies, intellectuals, and journalists are in flat-out denial of what happened to the country.


  24. How clear does it need to be what is happening in out country?…
    Former President Barack Hussein Obama has urged the Biden regime to declare a national emergency and use its powers to eradicate all independent media online ahead of the 2024 election.



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      This illegal, Birth Certless Commie Usurper needs to be sweated hard! A big Twat Stick will do the trick.


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      Just get the passenger manifests of him travelling to Pakistan on his then Indonesian Passport and Jail the Queer Commie BASTARD for ILLEGALLY usurping the Presidency. Will no one act for America?


      1. Some are acting, and them being punished for it… the GOV is an enemy of the people


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          So many good and Fine Americans on the site. Who cannot feel for you.


  25. Really? How convenient…


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Where are the multi T Pentagon funds which have gone missing,Hello?


  26. john2020vision Avatar

    Epstein “Allegedly” grooming Cyrus at 16 is travelling. She’s cross wired for sure.
    Dimon made the flights and he’s up in Lights. As for Gates?
    When are parties hauled in? Arrests?


  27. Ford has released its new LGBTQ+ truck, dubbed “VERY GAY RAPTOR,” as part of its new advertising campaign!



    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Run it off the road. Road Kill”

      Liked by 1 person

  28. At some point, Ukraine is going to run out of men to bury. Russia, if you have been paying attention, has been lashing military and logistic targets throughout Ukraine with an unrelenting barrage of missiles and bombs for the past ten days and shows no sign of easing off.


    Ukraine’s Suicidal Offensive is Bleeding Out While the CIA Loses Its Mind


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      About time it’s Ass follows!


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Stop bending Society for Pevs. Waste the Pervs.

      Liked by 1 person

  29. https://palexander.substack.com/p/jon-rappoport-comments-on-this-ny
    Jon Rappoport comments on this NY Post story: ‘US Navy hires active-duty drag queen to be face of recruitment drive’


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Sorry Guys, Whakkie Backie America has left the tracks.
      Really, really, really time to rethink residency.
      Joe, or the Ho, or a life worth living?
      It’s a No Brainer, so use yours. Unless Screws are loose, it’s clear that once the new BRICS Empire emerges, the Dollar tanks and so do US Banks. Leave the grasping Whining Assholes and Weirdos behind, rejoin the old Motherlands. The EU will have factory vacancies for Wog Panning and Dog Food canning. De Louse and clean house. America has become a dumping ground for Cast offs and Crime. No place to bring up a family. It’s no longer the Land of the Free. Unless your illegals or Muzzies. 6M really needs to be ejected hard. Then look at the rest. End Welfare for 5 years, they will go. A Criminal Retard and a HO now run America. Is everyone asleep or just too many plain Dumb?They vote! Europe needs good people. It still has Culture not the US Vulture.
      This life is your journey, not a Cattle Cart in America. The Bums are Eating- You alive!


  30. john2020vision Avatar

    The impending and oncoming invasion of Taiwan is having an impact upon South Korea’s new willingness to achieve a tenable deal to include military protection from China.
    America, as ever, will still take the money and run. When the money runs out, so will America.
    Which is why London will be the Fiscal Epicenter to build a Global Foundation Trust for them.
    Investing with strategic care for longevity. Buying Trust, not to go Bust.


  31. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    This will go nowhere.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Trump is just a low life Grifting Arsehole, and yet no hesitation to go for him.
      But the scale of Bidens crimes are off the map in comparison, as with Bush 41 and the Clintons.
      Seriously bad criminals. Yet they are Teflon.
      Washington is so corrupt you can trust none of them. Fiefdoms of owned parties, a Can of Worms.
      Jew owned seats to Patronised appointments, and most blackmailed Pervs.
      Biden’s crimes are known. The world sees and knows.
      What’s taken so long for any of them.Corruption is endemic.
      This is one large festering Maggot Heap.
      Look how many supported impeaching.Real people.


  32. It’s crap. The vaxx never worked. It induced more infection. And as a general rule — no — it did NOT improve outcomes. As the pandemic progressed the virus attenuated as theory predicted it would.


    Eythorsson et al. in ICELAND in 2022 reported that with the COVID vaccine, probability of reinfection was higher among persons who had received 2 or more doses compared with 1 dose or less of vaccine. During the Omicron Wave of Infections in Iceland, December 1, 2021, to February 13, 2022; The reinfection rate was highest (475 of 3136 individuals [15.1%]) among those aged 18 to 29 years.
    MAY 18


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      The scale of side effect implications are still incubating.
      How many will they kill? It’s attacking everything.


      1. On the low end I expect 100 million dead in reduced life expectancy from cancer and genomic failure. Think the biologic equivalent of a PC’s Blue Screen of Death.

        500 million will suffer in varying degrees from illness. Although it’s early days, nattokinase seems to really be melting or inactivating the spike protein and reducing complications.


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          That is just the deaths Tino
          Incubating God Knows What walking wounded may be 5 fold.


          1. Our estimates match. It’s going to be bad.


            1. john2020vision Avatar

              Even one, if it’s you, or those close to you, is mortifying.
              Those projections, once extrapolated into Europe and Asia, will have beyond economic, vast Industrial and Infrastructure head on unplanned and “Uncontainable ” consequences. The world, as we know it, will leave the tracks. Society will disintegrate and who feeds or stops the looting Wookies? Lack of Border control is seeding Wolves into both America and Europe. Rabid Dogs.
              We will have touch down at c200MPH.


  33. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  34. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


    1. The Russians need to finish this. So we can then get past the impending Taiwan fiasco.

      In Weapon Systems and Political Stability one fundamental premise is that wars happen when the balance of power between the opponents is not understood. The war restores said understanding.

      Despite all the bs — the whole Putin to be overthrown — Putin is dying — Putin to be assassinated — Russian military incompetence — Russia suffering unsustainable losses blah blah blah — None of the aforementioned bs was true. Intelligence agencies need to be taken to the woodshed quite severely behind closed doors.

      In fact, the Russians turned out to be patient, turned out to be competent despite early over-reaches, turned out that the war crimes were not or not provable on a reasonable basis, turned that Ukrainians were losing in attrition as high as 21:1 in some battles and 11:1 on average. There is literally no point, despite the biggest propaganda info-war in history, where Russia was going to lose this.

      I make no claims of the interim reality that Putin may or others may have experienced. I merely observe the predictive power of most MSM observers and some insiders was essentially zero. Instead, lateral thinking long-time Internet pundits following Ukraine since the Nuland coup basically had it right. A lot of intelligence agencies have egg on their face. This round goes to the free-lance folks.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Weather, factually has restricted Russian moves. Ever more troops and armenants are moving into place ready for planned assaults. When it comes, what will be left of Kiev? Of Ukraine?
        Are we really coming down soon to scorched earth war moves next? How many will die?
        Russia has annexed its old territories, and will not back down. It’s one vast Stalingrad.


        1. Yep. That’s where we are at right now…


          1. john2020vision Avatar

            If the Russians do Blitzkrieg, as threatened, it can end this year. Zelensky will run to Israel. Russia needs to scoop him up. Eichman style. Re-issue him as a bare assed Lamp Shade.


  35. One third of Canadians ok with killing the homeless.

    Canadians are the nice and quiet neighbor, who always pays their rent on time. We never suspected that they are homicidal Transhumanists.

    Canada’s euthanasia laws are more relaxed than Nazis Germany during the 1930’s.



    1. But not quite as relaxed than the ancient Spartans! They threw you off a cliff after birth if they thought you were less than warrior potential.


    2. john2020vision Avatar

      In the UK 80% plus feel the same with the illegals.


  36. Now Ford Motor Cars has lost its mind.

    Bud Light can recover from a 24% dip in sales, in time.

    A catastrophic drop in Ford truck sales will kill off Ford as sure as if its factories were bombed by Daisy-cutters…


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      A Ford loss would be seismic in many nations.


  37. Unbelievably stupid and criminal. The 4th Am doesn’t allow such an overbroad net.


  38. The Problem of Shrinkage by Vox Day

    The Problem of Shrinkage

    As with gun violence, inventory shrinkage actually just a diversity problem:

    Target (TGT) has become a target for major thefts, and it’s taking a huge chunk out of profits.

    The retailer estimated in its earnings release Wednesday that inventory shrinkage — mostly the theft of merchandise — would clip profits by a whopping $500 million this year. Factoring in an about $700 million profit hit from inventory shrinkage in 2022, Target is on pace to see $1.2 billion in profits go up in smoke, due primarily to organized retail crime.

    Target Chairman and CEO Brian Cornell says the problem is getting worse, is nationwide, and across various merchandise departments.

    “The unfortunate fact is violent incidents are increasing at our stores and across the entire retail industry. And when products are stolen, simply put they are no longer available for guests who depend on them,” Cornell said on a call with reporters.

    “Left unchecked, organized retail crime degrades the communities we call home. As we work to address this problem, the safety of our guests and our team members will always be our primary concern. Beyond safety concerns, worsening shrink rates are putting significant pressure on our financial results,” he said.

    Once more, we see that the materialist perspective is totally incapable of explaining the corpocracy’s embrace of diversity and inclusivity.

    Gordon Gecko lied. Not only is greed not good, it’s not even the causal factor it is assumed to be.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Saudi has Chop Chop Square. Try stumping up to steal then.


  39. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Finally, some effective border control.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Recruit more fast

      Liked by 2 people

    2. john2020vision Avatar

      They work 24 x 7 with no Strikes or Pension plans,
      Eat all you want is all they ask.
      Tip over the boats.

      Liked by 1 person

  40. Portland Wants To Re-Fund Its Police

    Now, with the damage done and its tax base shrinking, Portland has realized it needs police…


    1. Even though police are technically not a proper lawful tactic, we evolved them into existence and until folks understand that self-defense cannot be delegated, we are stuck with them, as a necessary but productive evil. Kudo to Portland for waking up and smelling the coffee.


    2. The losers running oregon right now are stupid and useless and ruining our state!!!!


  41. Like

  42. Liked by 1 person

  43. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar


  44. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Stellar (XLM) is being moved from HOLD to BUY.

    It was announced last month that Franklin Templeton, who manage $1.5 trillion in assets, launched a $270,000,000 mutual fund on a public Stellar blockchain. All transactions processes and recording of ownership will be done on the Stellar blockchain.

    This represents a key milestone, not only for Stellar, but for the entire process of blockchain adoption as a whole. We expect the tokenization of every asset of significant value will eventually be administered in this way. Stocks, bonds, ownership titles, etc.

    It is most likely that more companies will follow suit. So, the best move with this asset is to once again suggest a buy up to .12.

    The master list has been updated to reflect this.



  45. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

    Sub-saharan IQ.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Mutants loose with hands out.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. john2020vision Avatar

      The creature can’t even fix and balance its eyes to focus.
      It knows how to open its hands and a Butt to match.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        If you no longer need them for the Plantations, Plant the F’rrs.


  46. Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Yet what will be done?


  47. Wonderful! Very well received here and shared broadly!

    Also to this Tina person know this please. For several years I was a dinar chaser. No direction and sitting with my head in a cloud. Once I came here and started with Bitcoin and others my entire financial life changed. I formed a club locally and now we all take active roles in making our lives better and not sitting around on our asses waiting for something that has not happened in 20 years.

    Thanks again WHA! C

    Liked by 2 people

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      How can any of us explain to the bottom feeding Grunts that Demonetised Currencies have no value, nor will have. It costs c50 Bucks using war looted plates, to print Millions of this crap. with low lobe limp brains conned into thinking the c$500 Bucks or $5K they were suckered out of would allow Free Loading limp brains to cash in for $5M to $50M when Santa arrives. Unreal who with a Brain swallowed? The Promoters filled their sacks with tens of Millions scammed from the gullible Chumps and still they don’t get it. Pumpers and Retards? Vote Galen next. Brain dead victims still dream. They read their crap and believe. Hillbilly papers. Neither the US nor Iraqis have any money and no one will bail these Losers. Zero is coming from the Elders, not a chance. The Thick don’t think.
      Looney tunes the lot.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

        I have had several direct confrontations with these NESARA Dinarian types. They are a rare breed of obstinacy that defies understanding. Almost to a man, they display some kind of mental defect that I don’t think modern psychiatric texts have ever fully explored.

        Their combined froth makes for an opportunistic sea on which the marketing of various and sundry products are sold and donations requested…sometimes angrily so under threat of loss of “intel”. A kind of psychological mental dependency has been observed whereby any delays or lack of information for a few days causes people to trend towards suicidal thoughts or depression.

        I had one past NESARA high priestess (now deceased) actually openly state that even if the President of the United States informed her that no RV was coming, she would not disclose such bad news to the field as she was certain there would be significant numbers of suicides if she ever did.

        This entire “RV” milieu has created a large number of mentally dependent cripples who are now so time committed with a huge chunk of their lives spent on hope for their payoff that they are unable to detach from the idea of such a potential sugar-teat being removed from their mouths.

        Their numbers are incredibly large. Clever dinarian marketers have attracted perhaps millions, raking in profits from marketing to their audiences by positioning within this mass hysteria of wealth on the horizon at any moment dynamic. And with it always being out on the horizon, there exists an almost unending length of time for their sales efforts to dwell in. No expiration date on the product.

        What is really needed is for the nations to adjust their currencies based on real-world budgeting and social needs, and after, when millions have not received their easy millions from war speculation on third world bodies, the lot of them will go looking for someone to hang for dragging them through decades of false dawns.

        I am glad that won’t be us.


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Remember the Goguen lunatic and fake roles? She hurt so many.


    1. Great example of a Biden pick… disaster!


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Interject an R

        Liked by 1 person

  48. This does not resonate with me at all. Maybe it’s me, maybe it’s disinformation….


    1. whitehatauxiliaries Avatar

      It’s you.


      1. john2020vision Avatar

        Is that Dinarian Looney land? Rednecks, Bottom feeders and Wannabes? Losers Inc?


        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Dinarians prey like selling Moonshine to Hillbillies. Grunts who swallow.


          1. john2020vision Avatar

            20 years on from being scammed. still the Thick dont get it?
            Like Virginity, it’s gone! They lost their Wad. But Santa promised. That is all Belle View land.
            Best kept well away. Most seem to sit blowing bubbles daily. Probably voting Dems also. Gullibles?

            Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      For the record:
      The FBI has ALWAYS been corrupt.Hoover started it!

      Since Bush 41 placed his own Thugs in control, all beholden to him, it was lost.

      Mueller perverted not just Justice, but America!
      Now they are a Law unto themselves, just like the C riminals I n A ction. ( CIA)
      Trump promised to clean the Swamp but the big, THICK Lump failed. Fake promises, he lies.

      Bannon summed him up. The IQ of a 12 year old, incapable of structured thinking or Self Control.
      A Child, funded and owned by Israelis. Was a Second Passport a gift also?

      Melania steers clear. So should America. She will not taint her Brand.
      He taints America.
      He will be buried in Litigation.
      It’s all stacking. The Moby Dick ( less) Sperm Whale in a suit loose to throw Wobblers.
      His own daughter has run for cover.
      The Cabal will crank up Litigation until Dickless Moby blows.

      Our real role, is to locate so many good Republicans and encourage Patriots to run.
      Chump had his chance, stole Syrian Lands and, for Jewish Bribe MONEY- Freed a lot of convicted Crooked Jews for the Kushner crime Family. Tacky, slimy conduct. So Not Impressed.
      We hope and Pray a Patriot emerges for the cause. Either side. Just a good heart and True.
      A party who cares not to be owned by the Jew.
      Clear out the trash. Spring Clean the DC Obscene. America deserves better. So do you all.
      The world won’t take much more. They will close ranks on you.

      Liked by 1 person

  49. So funny!…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Well presented James and Thank You. I WILL be using it! It helps.

      Liked by 1 person

  50. Like

    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Hitler was smarter than Trump.
      Sadly, Biden followed no thanks to visible Demo corruption.


    1. john2020vision Avatar

      Hopefully, they can take no more Wogs or Brussels Crap!


  51. Back when soccer was a big part of my life and athletics Adidas cleats were my “go to” footwear. In all but the most muddy conditions it was always like running on a dry pavement.

    Now, I would gladly see this company fail and their factories burned down, salting the earth afterwards in ritual garb.

    Go Woke, Go Broke



    1. I mean, it’s bad. Point blank disgusting.


      1. As if the world is not full of perfectly good fitness babes…

        Liked by 2 people

        1. john2020vision Avatar

          Now this WAS my Munich Girl. Now she’s munching Carbs. Lol.
          Stop eating for 3, or keep off my knee.


          1. Ha! That is true I am eating everything!

            And I did receive your email message in private. What am I going to do with you?! 🙂

            We are so glad your elder project is making ground and we are very fortunate that your expert guidance and counsel is there to keep them free of bloodsuckers that have only shown their hate for anything good and decent and out of their greedy grasping.
            Gott Mit Uns


            1. john2020vision Avatar

              I think next year we can find solutions to what?
              But putting a smile on your face, harmless and priceless. .But fun always.
              Always, you matter. That time was precious.
              Small steps for Mankind., we have so much to rebuild.
              Absolute Ethics, clean 100% by the book. This is for Humankind. Restructuring nations.
              As it builds out, we have the Duty of Care to Honour and will
              Elders know that.
              Memories are forever. Special.
              When the time is right, we will reach out. Germany is not alone. Nor are you, ever.
              This is gaining traction now. Now we battle corruption. Negating it before we start.
              I have some of the highest Military entities in the world around me. All co opted to help.
              A Martial Plan of Yes We Can.
              The Real Council of 12. To serve. To Put Back. Weevil Free! Destiny.

              Liked by 1 person

  52. Sure. But understand, based on current criteria medicine would be unable to categorically state the following: Is there a link between planetary rotation and the phenomenon of the sun rising every morning…

    Something is profoundly wrong in the system as we all know.


  53. So says the mouthpiece of those most responsible for the present insanity:


  54. john2020vision Avatar

    Calm progressive planned dialogue. Good Cultural relationships and Trust.
    All Alien to Washington but the bedrock of the UK. Why London survives and thrives, and DC dives.
    A Bond of Trust. Life has to have real meaning, not be demeaning. Ethereal values and creating a more Humane Kind of Mankind. Relationship values, Culture. Harmony built from the Children up.
    But first, a Clean Up!
    Many on WHA will empathise where this is going. Your views are heard.
    It’s been our Long March and still is, but breakthroughs are coming. Real people. Real Values. Real need.

    Liked by 1 person

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