White Hat Auxiliaries

To Empower – To Explore – To Inform On The Selective Global Refunding Project


Information Briefing #148

We approach the mid year with an understanding that high level projects of a secretive, diverse and  private nature, and peripherally germane to our subject matter, are under increased pressure to proceed. The commencement of some or all these projects may have ripple effects of a positive, yet not entirely understood nature. Of course, with the news of such comes the often accompanying reports of endless rascality by organized interests that thrive on breaking agreements.

Let us take stock. As of right now, this is our understanding of the situation on the battlefield:

1. Public currencies:

ZIM – Zero chances for any speculative RV related gain; a rag that made retailers money, but public speculators are reportedly going to take a bath.

Dinar – Overprinted to meet speculator demand. The final outcome for public hopefuls is still unclear. We have been warned of several possible outcomes, none of which signal guaranteed liquid cash for you to waltz out of any bank with. Rates of 1.00 to 3.50 were mentioned in the past, but with severe limits on amounts to be exchanged and SKRs issued, not cash. Who knows what the real case might or might not be. Guesswork at best and highly speculative. Iraq, it is said, will RV when they decide best. Re-issuance of the currency with repudiation of all outstanding overprints is a possibility. They are not in the business of devoting national resources to paying off war profiteering bookies. The RV of the Iraqi dinar is not a scam. What is a scam is the way, shape and form it is being sold to the public by retailer/promoter interests fostering a get rich quick mentality to spur on currency sales and various products to “protect your profits” before the fact.

Dong – The best chance of the lot, but still problematic as Vietnam has to maintain financial realities and not throw economic theory out the window to feed speculation demand. China will guide this one. And they don’t have any love for capitalists, comrade. Rates of .14  to .47 were mentioned in the past, but who knows. Still a highly speculative play. Expect limits if it ever happens. If it does, move fast.

Bottom line – No final procedures, rates or schedules have been officially released to the public. No “800 numbers” are known to be standing by or in the works to be released. In the past we had been told to move like Pan with his nuts on fire if it does go, and quickly exit your paper. That’s if ever such might happen. Highly recommended that you do not place your future hopes in any currency speculation. The only ones claiming you will be easily rich from this are people who have profited by selling you the currency, or who need donations to feed their chickens, pay their rent, take care of their homeless staff or keep their web hosting paid so they can sell you RV related products. This one may be a bust. Once the big battalions go, the aftermath will reveal what may be in store for public currency hopefuls. Whatever you decide to do with your paper, good luck.

2. CMKX:

A Zombie. Expect nothing. It’s over. Nobody is going to bail it out. If we should hear otherwise, we will cancel the wake and return the ice.

Bottom line – Sorry, you lost your bottom on this one.

3. Prosperity Programs:

These were offerings made from the 1990s through to about 2002. The plans were sold as bank roll programs which were to pay huge returns as part of some coordinated effort to bring mass prosperity to the world via selected participants. We know of no credible entity who can or will certify that such funds are held by any responsible party with plans to distribute same. This begs one to wonder where all this prosperity funds “intel” is coming from. Usually, it traces back no higher than to channelers, NESARA high priests/priestesses, and sites with Paypal merchant buttons. For decades, this mythological, always-coming-but-never-arriving largess has been the backbone of donation hustlers. It must pay very well because they are still with us to this day, always one week away – year after year.

There was mention a while ago that one or two may be legitimately in a queue. If so, that’s far from the mass prosperity some people think is coming. Very far.

Bottom line – Extreme long shot. With some possible slim exceptions, highly unlikely to ever succeed. We have many readers who bought into these things. The remaining survivors will quietly advise through the back channel if any pre-advice should be received. The Grim Reaper is slowly putting participants out of their misery.


A concept with no political backing or support; not being implemented, nor was it signed into law by President Clinton with Navy Seals standing next to him advising either his signature or his brains would be on the paper. Further, it was not scheduled to be announced on 9-11-2001, at 10AM. This 9-11 claim was never announced before the fact, only after, and incredibly, many believe it. This myth has persisted for decades and has been one of the most effective mesmerizers to hold people’s attention focused on the donation button. You guessed it – it’s always coming. Soon. This year. The blog traffic for NESARA sites is mindbogglingly high. There’s money in them thar fantasies.

Bottom line – You would be more likely to suffer spontaneous human combustion than see NESARA “announced”.

5. Private Currency Groups:

There are several sanctioned and credible groups who are waiting to proceed. While we are not going to violate any confidential details, those of you who are in such groups should continue to adhere to all admonitions given to you and follow directions. You know who you are. It is probably true that several fake con job groups sprang up to get a hold of your paper (so they could resell it on Ebay). If you have no legitimate contact or don’t know what happened to your currency, well, (crosses self).

Bottom line – If you are in a legitimate group, you have a good chance. But, keep your pie hole shut and follow all directions given to you. It has been noticed, we are sure, by many, that publicly-asked questions concerning commencement of private group currency-centered activity have been met with “can’t comment” or the like, in reply. Such responses, in and of themselves, are answers. We will watch for any information that can be shared, but at the same time will respect the need for discretion and privacy.

The above list is not necessarily all inclusive and there may be other projects of a very discreet and private nature that may come forward or continually flounder. We will not seek to treat with such, and will leave them to their own outcomes.

The above summaries are probably going to rub many the wrong way. Welcome to the real world. A truly stark contrast to the cavalcade of RV circus clowns, promoters, talk-show hosts, and various opportunists who market their wares by claiming that “next week, soon, tomorrow” it will be upon us – you will all be millionaires.

Skilled grifter-class salesmen have been well positioned within the currency speculating RV world. They found an emotionally pliable and easily sold-to market niche which sustains them. They have a remarkable ability to shape-shift into overnight well connected sensations, from previously unrelated backgrounds. If they were forced to compete against the truly positioned and legitimately placed personages in the real world of international banking and finance, they would qualify no higher than provisional trainee bathroom attendants. Yet, it is these types that have captured the hopes and dreams of the vast majority of those who clutch their dongs and grasp their dinars, 15 years on since the tanks rolled over Sadam’s ass.

They will continue to admonish their adherents to buy their asset protection plans, donate to their homeless staff, cover their talk-show hosting costs, or you will be LOST. This will continue until the RV plays out in whatever form it will. The comforting lies outsell the inconvenient truths by a wide margin.

Legitimately involved financial power centers will NOT provide grifter outlets with inside information repackaged as “sources”. No legitimate party occupying a place of responsibility would do so. Further, no RV vaudeville act would consider real truth as “marketable”. If it does not promise millions by next week, it won’t sell. The giddy urge to donate is not fostered in such ways. It won’t loosen the purse strings. It always has to be “soon, next week, imminent”. This sells the dream, the vision, the life that people desire but seldom want to work for. It also makes some people get down on propitiatory knees and constantly hit the Paypal buttons hoping it will curry favor in some way with their “sources” and prompt manna from on high to hit their bank account.

All these years later, the result has been thousands of dollars for the promoters and 0$ for the street people. Tragic. Truly and without a doubt, tragic.

We have made our points on all the above, and won’t repeat them again in future reports. If it has not sunken in by now, it never will.

In the crypto world, the transition from weak to strong hands continues with prolonged accumulation within tight price ranges. Our desire is to see prices continue within this range for a while longer with a long solid base from which higher prices can result. The fundamental outlook remains strong with continual adoption and innovation occurring at a furious pace. Regulatory inefficiency has collided with rapid technological developments and has caused a lot of confusion concerning institutional adoption by Wall Street. Don’t let this fool you. Wall Street digital currency products are coming. Regulatory tar heels can only slow it down but won’t kill it off. Quite the opposite. The powerful are going to adapt and adopt. Watch for laws which make such possible and give more and more “legitimacy” to this sector.

Our opinion is that BTC will probably be at least c$75,000 within a few more years. Many other quality coins will follow as adoption continues. This market is one of the best for entry of your spare risk dollars. We have several readers who are doing their homework and positioning ahead of this oncoming tidal wave in a safe and responsible way. There is NO need to take large risks with critical funds. Study, evaluate and plan your holdings. Don’t fall for hype or scams. Don’t place all your hopes in one coin. Seek professional advisory services to help you structure a sound portfolio and play the long term strategic move, if you are uncomfortable with doing so on your own.

The future direction of this site will hinge on what transpires (or does not transpire) in 2019. We will continue through 2019 with a re-evaluation to commence in January 2020, or sooner if certain events transpire before then. We will certainly adjust to be of any assistance in whatever capacity we can should it be needed to help implement projects for public benefit, whether those projects stem from GCR stimulus, or from our own opportunities, several of which are currently being evaluated and tested. We hope to share more of this with you in the near future.

We would like to thank One World of Nations and The White Hats Report for their continuing excellent support and hard work. At all times, when we need questions answered, they are there to assist. We would also like to thank many other unnamed persons who occupy key positions for their assistance as well. We owe any clarity in all of this to such people.

Thank you all for your readership and your support. Our next report will be in September, or sooner should the need arise.


I believe in an immortal soul. Science has proved that nothing disintegrates into nothingness. Life and soul, therefore, cannot disintegrate into nothingness, and so are immortal.

Wernher von Braun

729 responses to “Information Briefing #148”

  1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    Q :Understand this was a pivotal week in negotiations for you. What’s your assessment?

    A: 1. The Florida boxes have been assessed but Title is dubious, fantasy values are crazy land,and trying to get both Shill Lawyers and LOW IQ Brokers to comprehend that only suitable Project Use dispensations of funds will be tolerable,is proving to be less than harmonious. My view, we should seize the boxes, throw them a bone, or ramrod the lot. Human needs not Scavengers feeds. Will I have remorse if we crop reduce Hanger On chains? Take control, dig a large hole and plant Demon Seed.

    Certain Judges have encountered problems last week. WF face ” Issues!”. Enforcement is not predicated upon Silly Season. We are now spilling into next week. A number of Bankers have been advised your next vacation may be State supplied, and your very homes will be viewed as Proceeds of Crime. If you have connections in Florida you will see what’s taking over. Details I can not release.

    WF Richmond have been placed on notice, continue use and it’s RICO! But, it’s messy now.

    2. But as with Epstein, we are Barr ing Escape routes, and new dialog has started hard. A lot is in play now. Expect the Bushes to profile soon, and Clintons. That dirt reaches into Agencies and Judges. All NAMED and shamed. Open Season?

    It’s trench warfare daily now. 24 x 7. It’s on.

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/07/active-comment-section-17-july-2019.html?showComment=1563640412773#c1576794194980567397
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved


  2. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  3. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Yet, every year, movie after movie after movie to remind us of Nazis only. They were wiped out, and Communism flourished and expanded soon after.

      Of course, the goal of the war was to protect the world from the dreaded Hun. Communists? Mehh!


  4. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    50 years ago, at this time. Re-follow the crew of Apollo 11.



  5. The Other Andrew Avatar
    The Other Andrew

    Fake RV Currency Exchanges?

    I personally would not want to go to an exchange unless the telephone number was on an official bank website.

    Something to consider:


  6. Listen to video below starting at 14 minutes. If you want a privacy coin to invest in with a lot of growth potential into the distant future, consider SpectreCoin.


  7. The Other Andrew Avatar
    The Other Andrew


    1. Now we know where all his “intel” came from. All those drugs warped his mind.


    2. That is A lot of weed….only 500 bail?…and why is he not still in jail?…. sheesh


      1. The Other Andrew Avatar
        The Other Andrew

        I have a contact who checked this out.
        He is in a private discussion group and the admin of that group checked out this arrest matter many months ago.
        The admin of the discussion group told him: “Mark was never indicted or charged……”


        1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


          Man, who do I see to start dealing in that stuff? If I can get caught with all that, and not get indicted, I will take the risk.


          1. Added some more VET today….be alright with me if it stayed where it is at for awhile or even came on down….ill buy more if it goes lower…. getting closer to real holdings with VET!

            Liked by 1 person

    3. For those who know. The Plane Boss , The plane is on the runway , with the packages , How many times has that plane been on the runway. The absolute original “Casper”. Hell, Casper is probably dead now.


      1. Probably. He had cancer.

        He was in the prosperity program called Freedom.

        His partner was Wendy, who died a few years ago. That whole tragic tale played out in a most sad way. Years of “any day now”.

        Many came to find out that their chief sources of “intel” were just blogers and NESARA jobberwoks.

        I don’t know if the Freedom program will ever fund, but since we have not been told it has any traction as of right now, the odds are long against it. Or, if it ever does, hardly anyone will be left alive to enjoy it, or be able to remember their own names if they are alive.


  8. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    A sensitive issue to bring many hope. We can not share more yet.

    There IS a very high level Quantum operation in place negotiating a vast Quantum Financing Program using Euros to create new Global liquidity for Bond and possibly large currency releases.

    This now will incorporate India also, for a Billion plus Indian population which also has needs, well as many other cases. New Big Dogs on the block emerging. India armed with a cash injection then takes on China industrially and commercially. That has issues.

    A vast array of Bonds need resolution and are part of this equation under consideration.

    Iraq, Afghanistan. Lebanon, Syria, Libya. Vietnam,Cambodia and poor Asian States, are all victims of gross US war aggression for Hegemony. All need rebuilding. It needs money.

    We have all the Post WW11 Bonds, Trillions long overdue for redemption. Also thousands of defrauded Elders Trust accounts in Trillions and burgeoning debts to refund from this Oligopoly Military Industrial Cabal and its Zionist Banking Crime cohorts.

    These nations need their own currencies. Having ratted on and run screaming from Vietnam, a Shame which will stink forever, and annihilated defenseless Iraq, something needs to be done to rebuild, because DC is a F Up one way street of Zionist Sty Bowls. Mankind needs, not just Zio Stye Feeds! How can we feed mankind with a Zio Banker Roach in the Soup?

    So we go Euro and the US snout is part out. Yes we will part help America, but Share!!!!. Russia, China, India and more need and want this. All have needs. Europe also.

    We need to try to get it done before London banking leaves the EU. Pressure in on.
    We will work through the Silly Season this has more reason.

    There is a new attempt to address currencies too, and to try to clear the backlog of human needs, to replace Zio greed, a balanced approach Roach free.

    This may open currency swaps via the Big Battalions and who knows the rest?

    It would expand multi facet Project and Community funding. It would help infrastructure needs. A mini new Klondike. Creative workers would succeed. Go to where the needs are. Self help – don’t welp. Put out to take in. As you did building America and Europe post WW11.

    If this succeeds there will be vast needs. Go getters will go forth, and get! The Pioneers who built these great nations, Nation Builders will succeed! A world of them will thrive. Time to encompass Peace in our time, not feeding Roach Swine. Nations will grow. Zio Banking free.

    But the new Quantum system, as with Epstein, will bring redress. Every dollar corruptly used will be traced. Criminal exposure, then prosecution closure. Culpable corruption laid bare.

    The new system needs to highlight retribution. Take the lot back. Including the Bush, Cheney, Soros Paraguay Aquifer plus Bolt Holes. So many Naked Emperors face public exposure.

    Joined up Thinking is now in play. I would like nothing more than to see 5,000 P type sustainable farms activated worldwide and you all sharing in Community re building. Values for all. We hear you, we listen and read. You are never out of mind. Behind the scenes you do have hope. No more exposure yet. Pressure is on. Daily. We WILL be working it non stop. Hope – Is alive!

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/07/active-comment-section-7-july-2019.html?showComment=1563277761481#c6429775641912267861
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Well, this update is a real head scratcher. Hope for many? That smacks of public RV chances. Not really sure.

      They can’t say much more, as they wrote, so let’s wait and see.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tony,

        It appears this is a response to J’s contingency plan “B” he spoke of a few months back. Do you get the impression the quantum financial system is designed to circumvent the Fed? It almost seem like it’s a threat J is going to deploy to work around the banking cabal and Fed entirely, by redeeming bonds/currency through Euros. The plot instantly thickens!!!


        1. I cannot quarrel with your assessment.

          Things can, and do, turn on a dime in this business.


  9. The crypto space is sure getting a lot of exposure today from the MSM. 😁

    IMF warns banks to evolve or be ‘left behind’ amid competition from big tech firms



    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      They see their doom.

      Remember some time ago I wrote that all manner of “laws” were going to be proposed, and written, to enable blockchain to develop within the framework of existing monetary systems, Quantum or otherwise. We are seeing this now. One thing they will not do, nor cannot do, is ban it.

      There are many use cases for blockchain distributed ledger technology, and passing monetary value is just one. Let the system do as it will. As long as you pay taxes and comply with AML regulations, you can engage in any legal use you want, with respect to monetized digital coin.

      Everybody wants a piece of the action. The action, therefore, will continue.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I remember you explaining that Tony!

        We are so early to the party! 🎉.


        1. Just think how many lives you’ve changed, not only monetary, but with this blog that you don’t monetize, educating us to see truth.

          What a big heart you have and I am so happy you came into my life. 😊

          Liked by 1 person

  10. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  11. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  12. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    “…Right now the biggest deals in the world are progressing. Active and focused…”

    Q: Is the QFS ready to kick off?

    A: Not yet China,Europe,Asia and South America will adopt it and have in part. The US has been sidestepped and the Petrodollar swerved, so the Cabal will do will do what? With respect, you will have no real say. What we have to do is negotiate a soft landing. One way or another, the Banks and State, ( Birth Certificates!!!) own you anyway. A one world Financial System is inevitable. Negotiate the best we can. The US and Zionists have butchered and buggered the world. Empire’s end. Badly! Memories are deep, resentment also.

    Global autocracy is presumptuous. Repression is not the basis of a good Alliance.
    Global QFS deals are progressing right now bypassing the US. It will be the basis of a whole new Financial Order with you totally excluded. 8 Billion looking after each other not 350M dictactating to all. The world IS moving on, invitation only.

    They are bypassing Bitcoins or Blockchains. As for trusting Facebook with money?

    Right now the biggest deals in the world are progressing. Active and focused.
    One better world is a good agenda. Free of Zionist Bankers, and Cabals. No more Political Bush- Whacker Crime families.

    We ALL need to work together, hand across oceans, to make good happen. Souls have Ethereal values, unlock them and free consciousness. No more false Gods. Truth is so much more!

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/07/active-comment-section-7-july-2019.html?showComment=1563216682263#c4397792799617010750
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Did anyone watch the treasury secretary this morning regarding his speech on crypto currencies?

      He used the words “level playing field” the same words Trump and many other have used. I wonder if this is code word for quantum financial system.

      He also mentioned “moneygram” as one of the payment companies as an example who follow regulatory measures. We all know what company owns a percentage of money gram as well as which crypto they said they will be using.

      I noticed on the ticker, the third crypto was bypassed. They only showed BTC, ETH, LTC/USD pairs on Coin base. Very interesting…


      1. I patiently await the XRP moonshot. Ripple and XRP are doing exactly what they set out to do. No doubt many huge deals are under NDA at this point. Utility usage will drive the price. What other crypto has any real use case as a digital currency even close to XRP? Buy now while it is so cheap.


  13. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    Once introduced the new Quantum FINANCIAL SYSTEM removes the Zionist Bankers and Cabal thugs violating the Constution and the Zio Cult can be scourged free to allow good to breath again.

    1946 not a nation wanted them back at any price and what will come will remodel a world free of this viral spawn.

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/07/active-comment-section-7-july-2019.html?showComment=1563206950862#c4749433842324774583
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved

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  14. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Batonage d’ OWoN:

    Comment: Really hope you get the PP’s released….. love to see something start, move….. as for the rest….. what a mess the world is in!

    Reply: Thank you it’s in deep discussion and if we can activate the new quantum system soon all changes.

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/07/active-comment-section-7-july-2019.html?showComment=1563203867246#c5181501784150276499
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved

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  15. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    Key development issues

    1.Intense efforts are underway this week to try to beat Silly Season with PPs.
    2.Coming new UK PM selection, almost certainly Bonking Boris. Unstable. totally narcissistic, prima donna and limited attention span -Sound familiar?
    3.Iran reaching collapse or a new war zone?
    4.Election of new EU Govt, none of value. Socialist parasites, the lot.
    5.Chinese and Russian Military build up. Russian S400s anti missile/ aircraft/shields arrived in Turkey.The EU now has a Russian attack unit right on its borders. How then can Turkey join the EU?
    6. More vast Chinese Rail track expansion into Iran and across Asia. Wealth creating. Also to be defended.
    7. Iranian Oil Tanker seized by the UK off Gibraltar heading for Syria. Messy. Next move Russia will send a Tanker, who stops that? Also Iraq may send supplies. When do Russia send S400s to Iran and Syria? What is they have? Both appear confident they are now shielded. Syria sits seething Iran too. The Middle East is a Hornets nest.
    8. Who,among the US Cabal War Hawks does not get that if Iran is forced towards collapse they for sure will take Israel first.
    9. Kushner’s entire Childlike plan for the Middle East and Palestine, is collapsing in ridicule. Who of intelligent cognisance would put such a mediocre Boy Child and a pampered Princess to try to deal with a Multi Millenia melting pot like that.We pre-warned Kushner totally lacked the skills for this. Apart from struggling with a dubious Mossad front role, and exiting Russian Mob money,with a Jailbird father, how was this pampered Dweeb ever going to gain a consensus with Arabs who outsmart him on every corner. The Kushners put him in play to marry the Shiksa and gain influence,but he’s not up to it. Nor the Shiksa. Posing wannabes. No Jackie O for sure.Dreamers. Tainted Russian / Mossad Bag men, the lot.
    10. The Ambassador Storm in a Teacup. What deal will Boris try to cut. Without the brains to handle detail, or a depth of original thought,how will vain Boris cope with being told all his plans for imports will fail to clear field testing vettings. UK Standards are much higher and Chlorine chicken etc is banned.So will be Monsanto products. Boris is flying a kite and will himself fold in the night at some stage. But how much damage will accrue?
    11. It’s hard to stop an EU No Deal now. There is no Plan B. But vast opportunity.
    12.The UK has a Global chance but is leaderless. Have you seen such a collective bag of Political misfit Muppets pressuming rights to rule. Leave plans are attacked by Dilettante children in office who need stomping on hard. De selection by firm Leadership. But- it’s missing! Boris is just a vapid, media cartoon clown.
    13.Good to see Trump and Ice are rounding up the illegals and overstayers.
    14.Great work also by US Customs on Drug detection. Unsung Heros all of them. Time they got credit.
    15. Epstein. How much sordid truth is now leaking out. Bob Maxwell was a giant Israeli scammer and fraud. His daughter Pimped for Epstein who filmed, recorded and blackmailed for Mossad. Good move to unseal the files. Challenge the lot.
    16.Weiner next. The Hell with false Plea deals. Overturn the lot. Justice now!

    An interesting year ahead. When we get the PPs started, how much good can we do?
    Epstein and Weiner thought they had gotten away with it. Tough luck Huma, he’s a Schumer and he’s next. Truth will not stay hidden. Well done US Law Enforcement. You cry- Freedom!

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/07/active-comment-section-7-july-2019.html?showComment=1563186218350#c1167415943728218122
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved


    1. Tony,

      What is defined as “Silly Season”?


      1. Hi,

        It’s defined as that time of year, in summer, where vacations are taken and banking and financial transactions of the type and nature we watch for are not benefited time-wise by such things


  16. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  17. Read why these payment companies are dropping bitcoin to use as cash.

    I am a big fan of bitcoin btw but it’s looking more and more like what the fed chairman stated. “Store of value.”




    1. XRP will likely be the one, IMO. Just wish it had better price action. Massively manipulated.


  18. US Treasury Could Run Out of Cash Sooner than Expected

    “The Treasury is depleting its cash at a rapid rate. If the current trend persists, it will run out of cash by mid August. That’s sooner than the official predictions of late September.”



  19. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Thoughts on this?
    Donald J. Trump
    I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity….
    Show this thread

    Donald J. Trump
    ….Similarly, Facebook Libra’s “virtual currency” will have little standing or dependability. If Facebook and other companies want to become a bank, they must seek a new Banking Charter and become subject to all Banking Regulations, just like other Banks, both National…
    Donald J. Trump

    …and International. We have only one real currency in the USA, and it is stronger than ever, both dependable and reliable. It is by far the most dominant currency anywhere in the World, and it will always stay that way. It is called the United States Dollar!


    1. I saw this earlier. I am surprised he didn’t say this much sooner, like 8 years ago.

      He has a lot of learning to do on this subject. It’s actually embarrassing to read this. His own SEC is prepping to regulate digital asset funds.

      As for “unlawful behavior” and crypto, well, as the guy who ran Silk Road found out, no form of monetary transactions, digital or otherwise, will stop one from trying and eventually failing to evade the law if committing crimes.

      All asset classes can be volatile, given the right situation. As a real estate developer with several bankruptcies under his belt, he should know this as well.

      He’s doing a good job in many respects, but in this realm he is really needing some catch up.

      Remember, Mr. President. Never the King. Always, the Kingmaker.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. After reading those Trump tweets on the dollar, If,,,, there is a, “new currency” coming, Trump sure is keeping it under wraps, or, he is out of the loop.


    2. DJT hit the nail on the head
      The take from this is he understands the “thin air” concept as it relates to currencies, all of them including the US dollar and the money laundering, pump and dump, naked short selling fraud that takes place for nefarious purposes when “assets” are backed by nothing of intrinsic value
      That US dollar status will change, DJT hints at that


      1. Here’s my take on it in a nutshell.

        The first paragraph he’s talking about pre regulations. Mark carney (BOE) said the exact same thing and talked about DLT and Christine Lagarde said that “it’s not the Bitcoin of the past” and also talked about DLT, as well as Jim Rickards.

        Post regulations, many of the cryptos will eventually go away and the quality ones will stay. They can’t use bitcoin even if they wanted to for on demand liquidity, etc because it’s too slow.

        Tony posted an article regarding bitcoin is golds biggest competition and spoke about it being a “store of value” similar to gold”, from the fed chairman.

        What a huge compliment to bitcoin, if you ask me. I think it will be digital gold post regulations.

        Remember he just came back from g20 and during that meeting, when the discussion turned to talking about a “level playing field”, they asked the press to leave the room.

        The second paragraph, I believe trump is talking about post reset which ties to the new digital economy. (gold too) He also talked about a digital economy at g20 in his speech.


        1. H. R. 2558 – To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold. May 7, 2019



  21. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Of course…Bolsheviks are counting the votes as well.


    2. Sorry, but WTF? .


  22. The Other Andrew Avatar
    The Other Andrew

    This is a fascinating essay (although a little technical in parts) which outlines what appears to be a very reliable method of valuing Bitcoin and predicting future prices. This method is termed “stock to flow” ratio or “SF”. Definitely worth the read in my opinion: https://medium.com/@100trillionUSD/modeling-bitcoins-value-with-scarcity-91fa0fc03e25


  23. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      No no no. Mr. Scalise, repeat after me.

      Bolsheviks. BOL-SHEV-IKS.

      Remember, it was a small group of outsiders, Bolsheviks, that started the “Russian Revolution”. The Russians were not revolting among themselves until the Bolsheviks came in and started to whip up the waters.They exploited the idiot Czar’s ineffective leadership.

      Efforts were made to stop them. They failed.

      Marxists are now in Congress, in school faculties, in State governments and local governments. Antifa are just Bolsheviks.

      Communists murdered more than Nazis did. Not excusing them, but we see few movies about their atrocities, and one after another of the “Schindler’s List” variety….kill the Nazis, over and over. Commies get a pass.

      Nazis forever pushed to the forefront as the exclusive, perpetual boogermen. The Marxists are embraced. The extinct Nazis are held up as some major threat. Unreal that people buy into this.

      All political systems are obsolete now. A bridge to the future is needed. And it’s NOT Marxism, that’s for G–D— sure.

      Liked by 2 people

  24. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Imagine gold at fifty thousand dollars and btc at several hundred thousand dollars as a store of value.

      I’ll take it! 😬

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Me too.


  25. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  26. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      But but but but but but,,,what about the RV of the Zim? My guru says I will be at the bank soon…!!!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Don’t think so Mr. T. LOL


        1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar



  27. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Please Arizona- don’t follow California!

      At least Tony – we have our memories when California was good. The good ole days!

      Notice in the pictures – pre breast implants too – not like today!

      Photos Of The So California Beach Scene 1960s and 70s


      Liked by 3 people

      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        Yes indeed.

        There were many places in that video I used to hang out at. Venice, Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach. And very true the girls and guys back then were natural and unmodified. Those areas are becoming a slum now. Very sad.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So true Tony – a once cool place turning ghetto. 😞


        2. Yes true tony – All those once cool places are turning ghetto.


          1. Thought I would post this video from the king of surf guitar. Dick Dale died this year at 81.

            I used to live near triangle square and Orange County beach cities are still nice at least for now.

            Dick Dale at Triangle Square, Newport Beach CA July 1994


  28. New XRP Banking App

    “The app won’t act as a cryptocurrency wallet, but will, in fact, be a banking app, without a bank! The app is based on the blockchain digital ledger technology and utilizes technology behind XRP and Interledger Protocol”



  29. Deutsche Bank; I told you all seven years ago! Godfrey bloom

    Liked by 1 person

  30. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    “…First will be the PPs and possibly big battalions subject to the coming new Republic…”

    Q: Are you now saying that we should stop watching the site daily? Any benefit from redemptions would be years away for most of us.

    Also, it was stated in the past, on this site and others, that SKRs were given to Politicos for their Dinar holdings. It was also stated that they were given loans based on the value of their SKRs. Are you saying that the Banks will simply take a loss on those deals.

    As for the people on the West Coast that have been hemorrhaging cash for the past 6 years, are you saying that they are simply at a loss?

    A: You can see the turmoil all markets are in. First will be the PPs and possibly big battalions subject to the coming new Republic. Projects will need good people in numerous roles. Watch and reach. Currencies are a dilemma. Uncharted territory right now. Any break we will report.

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/07/active-comment-section-7-july-2019.html?showComment=1562737689410#c8767303635065860046
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved


  31. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    Q: What does the “new republic” you mentioned entail? Elimination of the Federal Reserve? New Treasury Note? DC gone?

    A: Fed gone, removal of US debt to Zionist Shylocks, removal of British Feudal links, accepting Basel 111 protocols and a nation free of Military Industrial liabilities where Democracy services its peoples’ needs, not the Deep State and Zionists serving only themselves.

    Its own Central Bank owned by the Nation issuing its own currency backed by national assets and out of Rothschild dependency as the British did when recovering full control of the Bank of England. The start of a nation state owned by and for the people and a Military funding policy based only on what is affordable not an out of Control Debt escalation by an un-elected Cabal.

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/07/active-comment-section-7-july-2019.html?showComment=1562729451392#c3301229555955718574
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved


    1. The Other Andrew Avatar
      The Other Andrew

      The first thing OWoN mentioned when talking about the NEW REPUBLIC is the “Fed gone”. See article below:



  32. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  33. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    Over the last few weeks, word has reached my ears that WHA, Official WH, and OWoN, have been visited more and more by a larger segment of the mainstream guru masses. Within this group, more are warming up to the information we share and seeing the realities of what is likely to happen vs. what has been sold to people by sales people selling things.

    It has been made abundantly clear, by people whose pay grade enables them to speak with credible voice, that the widely promoted idea of mass millions for currency holders is unlikely to happen, or certainly not going to happen in the manner outlined by most talk show hosts. This message was often times ignored as “negative” or “disinfo” by a great many audiences. It still is in many parts, but more and more are starting to see that we are not here to falsely convey information just for fun, or to ruin someone’s fantasy.

    When all of this plays out along the lines of reality and what the system intends, there will be many who will have a hard time accepting. They are so steeped in their belief that having such a set of expectations suddenly removed will send some into a very dark place. We must be mindful of this.

    It was always the best move to try to get people to see the possibility of failure way ahead of time so they may plan for it. Many have come over here from former positions of having been donating to gurus and believing in NESARA/St. Germain endless wealth on the horizon. They have long been disabused of such things. For them, the coming reality will be easy to ride through. But remember, many won’t even consider anything other than what their talk show pitchmen say. Of these, some will be fine with no magic bank. Others will get angry. Some will blow their brains out.

    As a first step to re-tooling WHA for a post GCR world, let’s remember this and find a way to help each other in the coming years, in whatever fashion, to not gloat over our “superior understanding”, and seek solutions.

    I am still not quite sure what new form we will take here. I, for one, will be glad when all of this is behind us so that the answer to that unknown form will be easier to know.

    We return to watching for brontosaur turds. It starts with them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Excellent message Tony. I appreciate your continued guidance and caring words of wisdom. Thank you so much.


  34. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Thus Spake OWoN:

    “…There just is no liquidity for fantasies. Nor free rides or Free Lunches. Times are very tough and we need sensitive dialog as is in progress…”

    Q: Based on your best knowledge, should we, the public, just give up hope for a profit on our currencies, sell them and move on. Or is there still a little hope. Thanks.

    A: I wish I could give you hope with a roar.

    Global liquidity is in free fall waiting for the new Republic. The Dong at least has a base. Iraq and Zimbabwe are under tight IMF control. Forget blog hype. Iraq can only underpin what it can afford and will be restricted to viable issuance. It is still conceivable they could scrap the lot as war theft and start clean with a few T and for Trade only. Zimbabwe is a basket case. God knows where they restart and walking away from old de listed paper makes sense. Be assured the IMF and World Bank have zero Interest protecting speculators. Most are victims of Hype Cons.

    We are into Silly Season now. Apart from high level discussions for a very special few off radar deals progressing

    There just is no liquidity for fantasies. Nor free rides or Free Lunches. Times are very tough and we need sensitive dialog as is in progress.

    Its your judgment call but how long do you flog a dead horse? Who will feed it to save it?

    Elders support will be restricted to viable project needs. I cant talk through their pockets. Nor would they condone wanton risk. Balanced economies based on affordable policies. Certain project led PPs make more sense at this stage. Money is finite. There are far more serious focus needs than currencies right now. How many false dawns have you seen. You have to determine best use of your own money. Where is your stop loss?

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/07/active-comment-section-7-july-2019.html?showComment=1562700962766#c1700892848485204864
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved


    1. I wonder if they will feature this on the MarkZ or TNT Tony variety hour?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Mark Carney tipped to replace Christine Lagarde at the IMF


        The Future of Money – speech by Mark Carney


      2. Mark z says it is suppose to happen on Wednesday- tomorrow! 🙄


        1. I am just now tapping all the equity in my home to bet on zim. Thanks for the tip!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. He said if it does not happen tomorrow then it will happen Friday – so you better hurry or you will miss the RV! 😬🤣

            Liked by 1 person

    2. The Other Andrew Avatar
      The Other Andrew

      OWoN said: “Global liquidity is in free fall waiting for the new Republic.”

      The new Republic? What new Republic do you think he is talking about?

      Is he talking about the new American Republic that will replace the U.S. Corporation?


      1. I won’t put words in his mouth, of course. But since a new financial system, asset backed, is anticipated and has been for some time now, I think that’s what he means.

        You can ask him at OWoN if you like. Our “sources” really can be reached by all.

        It’s a beautiful thing.

        I am worried about “…liquidity in freefall…”. We saw what an almost total liquidity shortage in 2008 did to the world, just based on US banks having problems. Imagine what the entire world having that issue at once would do! 😦


        1. 🙁 but at least they have something to transition to.

          The new digital asset economy – BTC and particularly XRP.

          Bitcoin will be digital gold and XRP will be used for on demand liquidity, bridging all asset classes and IOV (internet of value).

          Im thinking it may not be a smooth transition so time to do some last minute preps, just in case 🙏


  35. The Other Andrew Avatar
    The Other Andrew

    I thought $10,000 per ounce was an over the top prediction for the future price of gold. But $64,000 an ounce? Until I find the article on the Bloomberg website, I may have to consider this article appearing on goldcore.com to be fabricated……? Can anyone find the research on the bloomberg website that verifies the article on goldcore.com? If so, please post your findings under my post. Thank you.





    1. The Other Andrew Avatar
      The Other Andrew

      Who needs an RV when you can get explosive profits from certain junior gold mining stocks when the gold price gets to $64,000?

      Here is the over the top gold price prediction that was on the Bloomberg website:



      1. I sued to own jr mining gold stocks and did very well and the 2008 came and we all know what happened.

        Have not owned any since but may be a smart move if you are in the right ones. I personally would rather hold the physical metal myself.


        1. Oops typo – “used” not sued. 😮


  36. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  37. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  38. Cryptos aren’t stable, very risky
    Stable coins are headed our way


    1. You are talking about two entirely different use cases and purposes.

      Stable coins will have their place. They will not replace or fill the purpose of crypto. Risk can easily be managed. They are not for everyone at all times of living.


  39. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Can a pedophile canary sing?

      Liked by 2 people

  40. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Other Andrew Avatar
      The Other Andrew

      The use of the typewriter in this video shows me that the people behind this video are not from the millennial age group. This in itself gives me some hope for the future of the White Hats and hopefully America also.


  41. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    VeChain Crosses Milestone on Heels of Collaboration With Walmart China

    “…VeChain, a platform that helps consumers and retailers authenticate products, just crossed an adoption milestone. It posted a record-breaking statistic on the VeChain Thor blockchain on Thursday, hitting one million clauses…”

    VeChain Crosses Milestone on Heels of Collaboration With Walmart China

    Liked by 1 person

  42. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    “…Real dialog, real Redemption cases, are in play. Funds will be fit for purpose. Funds will feed need, not greed. Allow time, this month will be interesting…”


    Update funding FACTS for you.

    Ignore the procrastinating, loose brained Bloggers, rambling on about their imaginary roles with Settlements. Penneyless cerebral Half Wits do not get selected to preside over Trillions in releases. Not will it ever happen. Losers are not choosers of Destiny. Half wits, are not worth 2 Bits!

    Last week, yet again another major push was made with Latino and other combined Ambulance Chasing Attorney parties to try to cash in and out with the Morgantaul boxes. It and they failed. They sat in Florida burning cards for months. So many greedy Wombat Brokers dictating what they would settle for. They got it- The Exit Door! Finally, thank God, all that Crap is blown. They were only meant as Sovereign Project Guarantees. It’s pointless trying to explain monetary policies to Brokers and Lawyers. Brokers took an almighty hit.

    Was it ever not going to crash?

    Only a few real issues remain now. We have them all covered, but will not publicise for fly blown bottom feeders trawling. There is no room or need for Brokers. Hooks will be cut.

    The few real and remaining funds, long overdue for Redemption, are in close discussion. Any and all can rebuild economies. There is focus and drive. What we can not and will not do, is publicise them ahead. Watching these loose cannon Broker Gobshites crash and burn with wild projections, is a salutary lesson. Loose lips and sinking ships.

    Real dialog, real Redemption cases , are in play. Funds will be fit for purpose. Funds will feed need, not greed. Allow time, this month will be interesting.

    Trump needs recognition for easing the North Korean Despots game plays. We need to get the nukes out and close the Death Camps. Then, as with Gaddafi, and Saddam, let the people deal with them. Mussolini got what he deserved, as they stripped him, cut his Ns off, and strung him upside down. Blubber Man won’t dodge Karma. I will never forget the horrors of the Nazi Concentration camps. N Korea IS as bad. Brutality and suffering is inhumane. The little Shite is a Monster. A step at a time. Get the Nukes then scoop his ass.

    The last 4 US Presidents have robbed America blind. Trump, hopefully, will settle for a better legacy. We hope so. If that Chicago Shyster and Fake Con Man can get a Peace award, why not Trump? All go together. Justice- Where?

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/06/active-comment-section-27-june-2019.html?showComment=1562341941964#c442628224668016158
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved


    1. Tony can you answer a question for a friend who has no computer but reads this when he comes to my house?

      Who are the brokers whose hooks are to be cut? Is it possibly the private groups he is talking about?

      Thanks so much your pal C


      1. Hi,

        No, it’s not the legit private groups, anyway. If anyone is out there conducting an aggregation without any official sanction, with the hope of trying to redeem through someone who IS in a legitimate group, then they may face a rough road when compliance checks are done. I suspect this will be the case in some instances.

        The brokers he is referring to are most likely those who are in possession of paper, of whatever nature, and are trying to get someone to redeem it so they can take a cut.

        Legitimate currency groups and such are sanctioned and are playing by a set of rules with pre-approval. They are not grasping at straws like a bunch of horny teenagers at a prom.

        Stay tuned for more. It seems things are going to get quite interesting very soon.


  43. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      The Bolsheviks are in the streets…burning flags, assaulting people, calling for the murder of police and anyone against them, labeling American values as “fascist”, and getting their candidates elected to Congress, without so much as a mild protest by anyone already in Congress.

      Not even the American Nazi Party sanctions the type of violence we see from the Bolsheviks on US soil.

      If Trump loses in 2020, it will most likely signal the overthrow of the Senate, and the courts will run up to full Bolshevik agendas. Open borders, the escalation of taxes, rights curtailed like never before.

      Whatever you are doing today, have fun, but remember that Communism is on the rise, and gaining favor with the younger people who are molded by commissars who run many schools in liberal States. Also, many are seeing a revolution on the horizon.

      Well, today is the day to remember that such has happened in the past, and is not immune from happening in the future. If enough Bolsheviks get into office, we may need to start a cleansing action. I often wonder which determined individual among our establishments will set that possibility in motion.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This is all too true. The level of manipulation, the implementation of the dark agendas, only continue to grow.

        It is like a grotesque parody.

        How could one not see it – and yet so many people so easily hoodwinked, so thoroughly entrapped by it.

        The sovereign individual, that sanctified essence of what we are, the gift of consciousness and freewill.

        The sovereign individual, that which these lands and this republic were set up specifically to protect. And yet so many give it away so easily, that freedom, agency and sovereign spirit, to bend to and serve someone else’s agenda, of the most insidious kind.

        It is so sad to see. And these are dark days indeed.

        The number of willful puppets only multiplies. The boldness of the string-pullers only increases.

        Their forces grow, their tentacles forever expanding.

        I do believe that the shadow empire is predetermined to lose, and that the right future is the only possible one. But there is no denying the dangers at hand, and the darkness of the timelines that those forces would have us lead.

        Here’s to everyone that stays sovereign and vigilant, those that work to do what is right, those that risk themselves to protect what is left.

        Like has been said, there could be a storm coming. Here’s hoping it will lead to light ahead.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That truly is an awesome comment Halleck, thank you.


      2. ” I often wonder which determined individual among our establishments will set that possibility in motion.”
        Maybe that determined individual, or those determined individuals will not come from any establishments. Sometimes, enough is enough.


        1. Gosh Tony, it often appears that I am questioning what you have stated in a comment. I’m sorry if it comes across like that, I don’t mean it to at all. Seems I just have trouble expressing myself clearly sometimes.


          1. No worries! I don’t mind anyone not agreeing or questioning. It’s fine. I don’t expect total agreement here. It would be boring if I had all the answers, and I certainly do not.

            Liked by 1 person

        2. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

          Well, there’s ONE with the ethos.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Good on her. That’s exactly the type of person I was picturing in my comment above.


  44. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  45. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    4th of July Announcement
    By Paladin July 4, 2019


    To our American Patriots all over the world, we wish you all a happy 4th of July. This is the day our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence and laid the groundwork for the Republic we now call home. The 243 years since the signing of this document have been both celebratory and tumultuous but our Constitution has withstood the test of time despite being attacked by the dark forces trying to run the world.

    We, the white hats, have endeavored to bring light to the darkness of corruption, blackmail, fraud, murder and crimes against humanity perpetrated by the cabal. Their attempts to destroy this great country and finish the enslavement of all humanity have ramped up since the election of 2016. Their plans have been interrupted and are now out in the open for all to see.

    Exposure of their dark deeds and manipulation of the masses has always been our objective. Like thieves in the night, they continue their onslaught on the world for total domination, staying in the shadows and using blackmail, bribery and murder to accomplish their goals. Puppet masters who shun the spotlight and publicity, they scheme and toil in the background using our elected officials to handle the dirty work and cover ups.

    A storm is coming.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very nice message. The dark forces will crumble, indeed. Happy 4th everyone, and gratitude for this hallowed land and all of those who work to protect it.

      Liked by 1 person

  46. The Other Andrew Avatar
    The Other Andrew

    Most don’t know the Federal Reserve is a private corporation of cabal bankers that make the rules for themselves in the banking world without limitations. Most don’t understand that Federal income taxes are, in fact, interest payments on the debt of the out of control government. Most don’t know the dollar bills in their pockets are not cash but debt with the cabal given the freewheeling authority to print dollars ad infinitum because the Amerikan citizens are the collateral on the debt. Most don’t realize the reason an illegal alien is allowed to hold the office of President is because the US is a corporation and they have no such restrictions (being a US citizen) on corporate officers. And most don’t realize that the political parties are two sides of the same coin and have long ago sold us out to their financial contributors and corporate benefactors. https://whitehatsreport.com/april-28-2014-the-white-hats-report-49/

    The above was written when Obama occupied the office of President. Hopefully after this July 4th the crucial report #48 will be released and freedom will once again reign from seas to shining sea.

    Liked by 1 person

  47. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  48. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  49. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  50. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  51. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  52. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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  53. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

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    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Just a little background.

      Long ago I asked why #48 was not released? I was told, in essence, that they didn’t want to blow things up while trying to get certain projects done. Now that we are seeing this being prepped for imminent release, it may confirm significant progress, so the release of this report may not interfere with those projects any further. This is just my speculation.

      Liked by 1 person

  54. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pretty much agree. He’s completely wrong on alt coins though. Some (XRP) will do very well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        He was right on the majority of alt coins. Most are garbage. Of all the thousands, I probably hold 30. Hopefully, those will be the ones that have “traction”. (cathartic laughter).

        Liked by 2 people

  55. Judy Sheldon nominated for Federal reserve seat. A gold back supporter
    As the worlds currencies and cryptos become asset backed, the fiat cryptos of today will not survive


    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


      Here’s a few other women, not gold backed supporters, also being considered for advancement.

      This notion of an asset-backed crypto is somewhat of a sales trick if you ask me. If a currency is asset backed, then any crypto exchangeable for that currency makes it de facto asset backed in that market.

      Cryptos are given value by their demand to fulfill use cases in proprietary markets which can only be transacted in that crypto. Valuable software we use every day is not gold backed, but has value in its exclusivity.

      A currency as a medium of exchange with a convertibility into precious metals is fine. But, I don’t buy into the notion that only “asset backed cryptos” are going to survive. Those that sell them may want others to think this, but so far I am not worrying about it affecting the broader, quality field of quality tokens.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I understand you thoughts
        However the volatility we see in all cryptos is due to the fiat status. Manipulation and fraud are the diseases inherit to a fiat system
        The Wild Wild West is still the crypto world of today


      2. Long term investors will want a stable investment. The large portion of their money will move out of the Wild, Wild West and into cryptos with “real” value


  56. Time For A Laugh Avatar
    Time For A Laugh

    Today I got an email in my inbox that gave me an 800 number to call. I thought it was an exchange number. It turned out to be 1-800-HOT-BABE. I told the girl on the other end I only had a little dong. She then hung up on me.

    Liked by 1 person

  57. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Bash with left, accumulate with the right.

      Carstens The Hutt is coming around to the fact that technological development actually does impact the way we do things.

      Liked by 1 person

  58. Canadian Stable Coin (CADT) helps launch Canada into a new era of digital global finance

    “ BVCI has independently developed a public, decentralized blockchain (BVC Chain) that combines Ripple and Ethereum blockchains.”


    Liked by 1 person

  59. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    One new facet for you is the Wanta funds. Despite having been awarded vast Trillions, rightly so, by the Richmond Court,Bankers still refused to repay. Bent, corrupt Judges and criminal Bankers continued to cover up and Bush 41 used it illegally for their own games offshore. Only now are we getting clean Judges in place, and for the rest we are going after them all on RICO charges which has them panicking and now talking a deal. Vast Trillions were stolen by that human piece of filth, Bush 41, his cohorts AND the Clinton Foundation scammed $150M. Dirtbags, the lot.

    Those funds will then really be used to rebuild America and good World causes. The THEFT of that fund has cost Americans vast trillions over the years. Scumbag Judges, dirty Bankers and the truly disgusting Treasonous Bush Crime Family have all scalped it for margin plays. Those funds WERE to help America and denied to you. Treason and Racketeering! We will honour use with full transparency. Millions of Americans lost out. Reagan tried to leave a legacy for America. The Bush and Clinton families need to be bankrupted, their Law Cronies, Crime partners and bad Bankers too. RICO needs to put them away for ever. Only now, with clean Judges appointed, and RICO threats applied, are we making progress.

    So don’t lose hope. Good people and good Patriots are determined to break through for you all. The top in America, sadly, is just filth. Zionists, corrupt Bankers and disgusting Judges have betrayed America. Agencies also. The lot need to go to FEMA camps, barbed wire gun and dog guarded. Perimeter mines. Life with No Parole! Life!

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/06/active-comment-section-27-june-2019.html?showComment=1561957391142#c1139429409977784201
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved


  60. Hello Tony :

    I sure hope all is well with you. It’s been exciting reading about all the folks on here and the success they have found with the supplements helping them with their health issues. Praise God for the new found health they are experiencing. It seems about every month or so J has to lay out the truth about the reality of the misinformation on the other sites on this new found wealth that’s always going to happen tomorrow.

    It’s really sad how people can influence so many others with false hope and take advantage of some with the lies that state if you can just send me money until the gets done. They are always helping feed kids or the homeless or something. I thank J for always painting a picture of truth. I know many do not want the truth or feel that just maybe he is wrong.

    I just want to say I am so thankful I live in America and have been blessed with a roof over my head and always something to eat. I know many would love to come into this overnight wealth. It’s important for all of us too look into the future with thankful eyes. Eyes that see so many terrible things going on in this World that is being lead by Satin and we all are in the mist of serious spiritual warfare. With the war mongers and people that would like nothing short of total destruction of all of mankind we have so much more to be concerned about than over night wealth.

    If we spend more time on these issues and less on be a overnight millionaire or billionaire we could get so much more accomplished.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      Hello, Herbert…

      Glad you stopped by.

      Yes, I love to hear of health successes Makes my day.

      Let’s hope that peace prevails. Money and wealth have their place in this particular culture, but often times the emphasis is on it alone, and not the tool it could be for good. We hope to see this aspect of it re-channeled into doing good. The people we are being helped by are working very hard on this, and know from experience the price of failure if the goal is not met.

      Hope you are well! Come back soon.


  61. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    Q: I don’t clearly understand the “bond no repayment” thing you keep taking about, all the ins and outs of this process.

    So I’m forced to look at this at its simplest level. People, Elders, bond holders, stock holders, currency holders, so on, were scam by the Federal Reserve, its banks and, financial systems that the US government allowed to be created and is charged with overseeing and regulating these entities, then the US Government regardless of form, corporation or Republic, is the the last line of responsibility. There are federal laws that cover this type of fraud
    Whatever form of restitution these holders are made whole, there are many, doesn’t fall into the category of no payment. Isn’t this the main reason we have been waiting for so, so very long? To find a settlement for repayment.

    A: I respond with courtesy, respect for the broken Trust, and the hard position many are now in.
    But I will give you reality as is.

    In the last few days a video was circulating stating, that a frankly penniless Broker would be in charge of disbursing over $300T at his discretion from an array of deals, giving false hope to many. Which can further encourage loan scams or desperation investments. Those claims emanate in part from a deal which failed again on Friday. As we forewarned parties would happen. Hard truths.

    1. Capital is finite. Wasted by Cabal villains!!!
    2. Your pseudo Governments and Agencies are run by crooks. Judges plus.
    3. Dinars etc were vastly overprinted, for gullible innocents driven by desperation or greed, who thought a million dollars worth of Dinars were worth buying for c$500 dollars. Print costs c50 Bucks max and 50 dollars for marketing. A vast earner for Bush 41 and co. Criminals in action. There was no end game for them.
    4. The likes of CMKX were similar scams, and robbed from the inside. Looted rotten. America is NOT going to bail Investors. Speculators got robbed- end of.

    There are no Federal Laws of safety when all Law are governed by the same Cabal. Clintons – Hello?
    Bush Crime Family. Hello?

    What I’m saying sadly, and with sympathy and sadness for all, is there is no Fairy Tale ending for many. Laws- Good luck with that.This is America. Wild West Wall Street laws. The FRB NY is a Crime Syndicate!

    Elders have been robbed, Nations too. US Fed Grey Screens are a complete Con.
    The Fed always has to have a Jew or Zionist elected or they all go to jail. Fact!

    We are seeing a vast array of Bonds being declined for redemption. Nations are powerless. Redemptions fail. The Virginia Court awarded Judgment publicly to Leo Wanta. He won. Not a Dime was paid and the crooks continued.

    This is a totally crooked Cabal. So who will take it down?

    Presidents are bought, or killed.

    We are negotiating hard to get selective Redemption deals agreed. With luck, one or two may break now. Bush 41 and the Clintons did you a lot of harm. Bush 41 was America’s biggest villain ever. His sidekicks still rule. Greenscammer also.

    A step at a time. Any wins now are good. But time to fess up on the No Hopers. Certain Bloggers are feeding such false hope. Let’s get a few PPs done and re fund America in steps. Achievable realities with luck. 3 are in tight negotiation. One with a Court Judgment granted but delayed.
    Others are also now re processing.

    All these Prosperity deals, as yet still unpaid, were manipulated by cynical deviants protected by corrupt Judges. Crime paid, just not to the Investors.

    You don’t have a working Government of the people. Not when undocumented Con Men like Obama /Soetoro ride free and loot with impunity. You all suffer. You all pay.
    They defied and denied your Constitution. You are not Governed, but manipulated.
    The same Federal laws which cheated Native Americans? They took your birthright, is that Right?

    How can they pay YOU when the cupboard is bare? With what? It’s GONE!
    Let us try to actually get a selective few key Redemptions done, then help in Project stages. That is enough to achieve.

    Asia is calling. War with Iran would be arrogant madness.
    All to protect Khazars? Retracking is key, but which? The few which are possible are not Public issues. But they are of good intent and would help America.
    We will advise when possible.

    G Man we need G Men to clear this mess. Armed to take down Varmints.
    Don’t lose hope, it’s the Bloggers we caution you on. Connected Cuckoos.

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/06/active-comment-section-27-june-2019.html?showComment=1561930576852#c628949464242991257
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved


    1. Excuse me, sounds like some are here to peddle gloom for a reason……nah, nothing here, give up, all a hoax, go home. Wonder what they know and what their REAL motive is. It’s going to happen with or without their Debbie Downer lingo. Keep the faith…..It will happen!!!


      1. You are excused.

        Say, Frank. Glad you are here. Can you tell us what happened to that “CMKX test package” that chicken man said he confirmed was delivered? Can you help find out who that was so we can convince him to contact US to confirm that as well? We have people who can definitely verify this claim in an hour flat.

        Or, can you possibly get at least one of these “call center people” that have advised chicken man that they were “on standby” to contact us? Since we are being questioned as to our “motive”, help us show our intentions to you. “CMKX test packie man” and “call center man” took the time to contact the chicken man to report such things. Why not us?

        Think of the feather in your cap. You would really be rubbing our nose in the crow feathers if you could do that. We have just handed you a dueling pistol and have walked 10 paces. Ready here. It’s your move.

        Debbie is in Dallas, goin’ down, but she does not talk when working.

        It will happen, yes. It’s the “to whom” part that is key to understand.

        Enjoy your stay, and welcome to the real world.


        1. Time will tell, my friend. You are not the end-all for accurate info. Have a great day!!!!


          1. Time has already told quite a bit.

            We repeat our request to you. Have the person who was confirmed to have received the “CMKX test package”, contact us. Full privacy guaranteed. We will confirm, and then, once we have done so, welcome chicken man into our warm embrace as a solid gold source of information.

            This is a genuine, bonafide offer.

            cc: NESARA Mother Ship
            Galactic Federation
            Foster Farms


            1. I have confirmed with a contact who had direct contact with one of his friends in TX……they are not about to get you involved especially since they signed a NDA and you are not the supreme trumpet for all of us other folks out here. Take it for what it is worth to you. Believe or not….don’t really care!!!! And I didn’t get this from a poultry guy…….and I am definitely not “henpecked” LOL


              1. Here we go with the “friend who has a friend who has a friend…”. That’s about the low quality standard of “intel” we see from almost all the talk-show blabbermouths.

                Sure. Signed an NDA,,,yet told a friend of a friend of a friend, but when we ask, suddenly they can’t talk.

                If you don’t care, then why come over here to cluck? You should not have to justify or defend yourself if you are hooked up with top people. We don’t. We don’t have to.

                It’s funny. You say you didn’t get your confirmation information from the chicken lover, but he was the one who made the claim about the CMKX “test pack” and that it was CONFIRMED.

                If that’s the case, then how did you get such confirmation, especially if there was an NDA?

                I am not the one blowing my horn. Although I did once play a mean piano in a band once.

                Remember, we are not questioning any legitimacy of any group that is not the subject of this conversation. We simply asked for proof of a claim made that you say you have confirmed.

                If you don’t have it, or won’t share it, then this conversation is done. Zero credibility is not going to win over here.


                1. And you do have credible sources for what???? Take care~~~~


                2. Pretty much all of it.

                  Next question?

                  Liked by 1 person

  62. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 1 person

    1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      “You can’t just walk into MORDOR”

      Trump: “Hold my non-alcoholic beverage”.

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  63. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    Yet again we have been provided with Wannabe Blogmeisters videos self assuming they either matter or have real access.

    The Irish words of Eeejits and Gobshites are appropriate.

    One man without a Pot to P*** in contends he will distribute $300T. Too pitiful to even comprehend these delusionals take such stances, and worse even bigger believe and IDIOTS print it.

    1. The vast backlog of failed dated Bond boxes have no attendant value and were only Error Embedded Bonds for reconstruction use and deniability. Denying to Cretins is pointless.

    2.Failed Bonds are failed Bonds.Some failed by Criminal misuse of funds. The Treasury will NOT bail out crime! These whining procrastinators will never get it. Why debate with an Idiot?

    3. Currencies- Hello?????? You really think $500 Bucks will gift you vast Millions? Seriously? Whose been drinking the Kool aid? Bush promised? Sure! Suckers born every day.

    4. Capital IS finite. Any Single steps will be prioritized. Money will only be issued to feed selective Infrastructure need, not speculators or greed. Junk out there will stay Junk.

    5.Right now there ARE 3 specific accounts under real review. To pay or not to pay.
    The big run of Florida boxes crashed last week. Bust! All those Brokers blown. Credit cards going bang. That now concentrates the rest.

    So, we focus on the remaining 3 possible issues with US Patriots and achievable IF the Treasury consent. IF! Phased and focused. But, when does a Zio in a Stye ever pay back? A step at a time when dealing with Swine.

    So many Grunts and Bottom feeders are circulating this ludicrous get rich garbage, connected to yet another self effacing Elder Master – Gold Owner, without an Ass in his pants. Remember Keenan? His trusting victims who funded him? The weekly pay up phone ins to Scammers? Fantasists the lot! Real Truth- is Free! Self funded.

    Be clear.IF, and I say IF, a selective release starts, funds WILL be focused on Infrastructure. Education and Projects of merit. A criteria adding value. These multiple Broker Wannabes need to be stopped from selling Whacko paper and costly phone ins with false promises. Cons the LOT!

    If phased releases are allowed for certain long overdue Redemptions, part of those funds will be used ripping False Religions out of schools, cutting off the Vatican feeding Tits, and giving children inspiration, real Leadership and Qualified Educators. The Church feeding snouts will be OUT! Priests etc then let them peddle falsehoods at their own cost.

    Kiddie fiddling cut in one!

    We will bring in only Professionals. Focused help.

    Less Wars, rebuild the Old Country. Who better can create Real Wealth as China chokes in debt?

    Trump IS trying to reconstruct America. We need to help. But- Until we break free of those Zionist and Vatican shackles, nothing can flow free. Each is a Turd in the US Soup Bowl.

    Shills, the Lot!

    I was asked last week if the new video circulating is a breakthrough?

    I was talking this morning, 7-30 am Sunday, with a key US Patriot who merits redemption, and he’s fuming with these video parties lies.

    You are looking at an Attorney, BROKE with form for false dawns, a lost cause with his Butt hanging out of his pants, and so much form for false alarms, and a new Whacko whose connected? Really? Wired to Bellevue!

    Folks really, Santa is NOT coming. But hopefully a merit based Reconstruction Program can.
    We do understand needs, but the practicality of limited Financing also. A step at a time, your all victims of Crime.

    Until we smash Zionist Claws off the Treasury and Fed, your hopes die in their Stye.
    Americas hard earned money needs to fund Americans, not Mossad and their US Zio Network of crooked Bankers.

    Until we can free up real money to fund Patriotic, good hearted Americans in free Elections to both Houses, and the aspiring Presidents, without Jewish money and hooks,10 million Blow Ins own America and all of you, we are not sorting anything. Hello?

    These are Realities. Capable, but Turd cleansing needed first. Watch those hooks

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/06/active-comment-section-27-june-2019.html?showComment=1561902202971#c7676994637463415688
    OWoN © All Rights Reserved

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What video? Have you seen it?


      1. Go to MarkZ’s youtube channel. It’s there.

        Yes I have seen it.


    2. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

      I wonder if this will circulate on the dinar blogs? ;P

      A little story.

      Some years back, I had the chance to engage a veteran NESARA guru in a conversation. On the outside, she was convinced that “deliveries, etc.” were coming, soon. I explained why that was probably not going to happen as she thought, and that years of rumors that had morphed into wild fantasy were being sold as fact and used to sell paper, and market wares to the audiences that gathered around this zeitgeist.

      On the inside, her feelings were quite different. It took me some time to maneuver her into a comfortable place where she could unburden her soul. I knew there was a burden there, and with the right prompting it would discharge.

      Sure enough, the real reasons she had stuck to her fixed path of selling a sugar plum fairy future to her audience finally came forth.

      In essence, she knew a lot of her readers were in very delicate positions. They were of meager means. Many of them disabled and on the dole. Many older and on fixed poverty incomes. Many working for little, for whatever reasons. They had all sought a better life from those selling the dream of revaluations and NESARA liberation. It seemed their only way up.

      She then said what I knew was on her mind. She did NOT want to create any situation where people would take their lives if the one chance they had been sold on, and had waited so long for, was suddenly revealed to be nothing but a dream. A dream sold by promoters. A dream sold by those who were nobodies seeking to be somebody. A dream used by the clever silver-tongued pitchmen to salt away fees and kickbacks. A dream used by anyone who could make use of tens of thousands of qualified prospects for which selling a dream to was a sure bet.

      She knew what was best for them. To keep them dreaming. Because, for some of them, it would keep them alive. Once she had them in her grasp, she dare not broach the subject of hard reality. No. In this wing of the mental health ward such a prescription would be ill advised and far too strong for the easily triggered. Best to keep them warm and feed them soft food and promise them better days are ahead.

      I came away from this experience a changed person. I saw the potential liability, a moral one, which lies in the hands of every Svengali who pitches the “imminent wealth” angle.

      There will come a day when the brontosaurs engage and tramp through the forest. After this, truth will be laid bare.

      We have tried very hard to present a real picture. We have no motive to construct any fantasy and sell it to you.
      Those that have are now owning a situation where there is potential for tragedy, and blood money can’t be refunded. I don’t want such on my hands.

      I know our readership is a different breed – largely practical and much more aware of the hardness life requires to survive. I take solace in this, because to have the burdens on my shoulders that many of these guru pumping hucksters do is a potential moral debacle too large for me to want to experience.

      Causing the death or destruction of another is never easy, no matter how macho one is. I saw the burden my father carried all his life for the lives he took in WW2. He carried the picture of one young Japanese soldier whom he shot at close range, in his wallet. It took him years to be able to give me the picture and ask that I place it on the ground in Okinawa. I did so when I was there. He could not bear the thought of returning to do it himself.

      Imagine having the destruction of another on your hands over “lost” money, and not even in defense of your country, but a busted dream made too real by charlatans who dare not do too much vetting of their “sources”.

      Some don’t care, and others are too sick to see the damage they are doing. The continuation of the side-shows is proof of it.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. My respect for and appreciation of you Tony grows stronger the more I am made aware of the man you truly are within. Thank you so much.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

          That was very kind, thank you.

          I was simply sharing from real experience.

          One of the key reasons I tell people to go with small positions in crypto is to prevent having a negative move create a life ruining debacle. I have seen it so many times.

          The mass promises of RV riches is just another form of extending one’s emotional lifelines into potentially dangerous waters.

          What if the RV happens and the major currencies do not perform anywhere near what many gurus are saying they will. With the level of fervent incantations being observed in some dinar chats, you can almost get a palpable sense of what some may do once they see what decades of waiting has brought them.

          Who should we see about that, if and when it does happen?

          Jim Jones promised his people a paradise. Gurus promise their flocks the same. Jones murdered his people once paradise flopped. Gurus will have blood on their hands some day.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I hear you on those points Tony. It will most certainly be a very sad period of time to witness from several perspectives. It does make me quite sad that so many who were already rather desperate at the beginning of this particular process, will become even more heartbroken and desperate. Many good lessons have been presented to all of us during this lengthy process.


  64. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Smart cities for the crypto rich??


      1. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

        The transition to a fully technologically managed society will be a very hard road. But, it will happen much faster than the transitions from agricultural societies and before that, hunter gatherer societies.

        I feel the advent of the blockchain is simply a pivot point, one of many, into the next transition for human existence, that being, into a resource based and technologically managed economy.

        We have seen how a small clique of money grubbing treasury rats claw and steal anything except red hot stoves. Imagine what they will do to fight any changes to get rid of the very system they created and make us dwell in. But, technology will sort them.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Boy your smart Tony and the fact that I completely understand what you stated, makes me no dumb dumb either. Lol
          I’ve learned a lot here.

          Cryptos will have its own value with its use case and technology. How can you you asset back world changing technology?

          Also – “fiat cryptos”? What the heck is that?

          Unless you mean stable coins which are directly linked to fiat, like the JPM coin.


          1. I did it again. Posted my comment in wrong place.

            Regarding your post above, have you seen the zeitgeist movies? I remember over ten years ago zeitgeist 2 was all about a resource based economy.

            At the time I thought no way will that could ever happen. Now I think it’s possible.


            1. Yes. They were quite good. The guy who produced them caught hell from a lot of Luddites, but I suspect he knew he would.

              It’s certainly possible, and probably inevitable. I doubt it will be by a sudden world-wide mandate, but more along the lines of a gradual move in that direction, one segment of society at a time.


    2. Future of artificial intelligence becomes key topic at World Economic Forum

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Tony – what is your opinion regarding anthropic capitalism?

          Ben Shapiro interviewed a guy talking about it in the video change I posted.

          I thought it was very very interesting- having a hard time wrapping my head around it.


          1. They are dancing around the one thing that neither one wants to say – money is just not needed to bring about what they want the most – fairness in the distribution of resources. Hybrid systems are not going to last.

            They can’t even get the proper concept of what “capitalism” is. It’s the most misunderstood concept and misused on a constant basis.

            Capitalism is one of the oldest “isms” around. Its correct meaning is “capital from capital”. In other words, money lending, or capital gain from speculation. This is different from entrepreneurialism, which involves producing something of value in exchange for the money.

            People say the US is a capitalist country. Bullshit. It was not founded as such. It was founded on free enterprise, which included capitalism and the freedom to enjoy an occupation or engage in business ownership.

            Money lenders are capitalists. But without people who produce and sell things, and bring skills to implement things, no standard of living could be maintained. Capitalists cannot do such because they have no such training.

            To say we are a capitalist nation is not accurate because while we allow it, it’s not what gave us our means of living to a certain standard. That means was free enterprise.

            Don’t feel bad about not being able to wrap your head around it. It’s hard to wrap around something that has been so convoluted as to lose the very thing they should be focusing on – that money and politics are obsolete, and a drag on humanity.

            It will take lots of balls to admit it. Shapiro is a smart guy, but he wont risk his media income by striking out on a crusade to rid the world of the very system he uses to make his living.

            Liked by 1 person

  65. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Well, an otherwise boring day, with little information coming in from the real world, so let’s indulge our curiosity for the alternative reality in the world of the starving saviors of humanity.














    One last bit of support, to pile onto the hundreds of last bits of support, requested with just days to go before the releases happen for him. Days away from billions, but needs your money.

    The fact that he continues to ask, means that people continue to send.

    And if all were to happen…mass prosperity, rv, gazillions for all, I wonder how much money would be left in the hands of such incredibly discerning recipients in a few years?

    Perhaps it’s best that nothing happens at all.

    Hunger pangs? Medical science has a cure for that. It’s called a job.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Far out, this guy is unbelievable. What a hide. He needs a good swift kick in the butt. Absolutely disgraceful behavior.

      Hunger pangs? He should endure those as long as possible and call it a fasting regime which is fantastic for your body.

      Liked by 1 person

  66. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


  67. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    Q: Are sovereigns applying pressure to Zio bankers? More specifically, are there any discussions of strategic defaults of years of restructured loans to unlock settlements?

    A: The KEY, but strictly off radar moves with certain US Debt Obligated PPs, is between them and OUR London Global Trusts. It IS us! We do NOT publicise it with the Broker Grunts and suicide Jockeys trying to throw hooks.

    It’s a highly complex, sophisticated, special multi party, multi facet, self interest battle, where we have the Elders Trust, but the Fed has the money!!!

    For the US Treasury and Fed, they need the Gold backing and that’s a blocked door as we refuse access until the PPs are settled. Catch 22. Their need becomes ever more critical as Swine to be fed. We can wait. Once Russia and China go Gold backed, and they will!!!, the US pressure goes off the Richter scale. So does our price! London is our Jekyll Island to re set power and control. But we seek to harmonise , re structure and help, not to sequestrate. That is their dilemma. Where is their lick? Swine at work. A Swine removed from the Stye feeding trough by its tail is very confused.

    It’s a battle of will, or we cut off their Swill. They just don’t know how to deal with parties who are refusing corruption and cuts. Everything declared and pristine clean. We clean up the Stye, they ???

    No one gets a little bit pregnant. You just get knocked up. So, we don’t play!
    Our Bar is high, and we don’t frequent their stye.

    But equally don’t underrate both Sovereign and Elders greed. The balance needed is to settle for what is common sense achievable, or starve. What’s gone is lost by theft and wasted. The key now is that Trade Out reality level. Achievable.

    Zios I loath and despise as vermin, so it’s not easy. Sitting there looking at a creature with eyes like pissholes in the snow unnerves them. They read contempt and it confuses them. A few of their Orthodox creatures with straggled beards, and Muppet Cult costumes were recently collectively looking at me, my pristine white shirt, Westminster Palace tie, Gold Portcullis cuffs, shining shoes,and custom suits. well cut groomed hair, looking down at them as Stye Spawn and it visibly angered and confused them. “We are Special”. Not to him we’re not! Times are changing, and they now fear 1936 repeating. What they can’t work out, is good Jews have no need to fear me or us. My visible deep loathing is the Kararian Zio trash. Assimilators. They see a Grim Reaper White Knight looking back who sees right through them. Know now to play Jewish Guilt! The Shiva is the shape of things to come. No wonder they are so F up! What a God awful way to start life. How can a 3 day old scream – You Bastard?

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/06/active-comment-section-27-june-2019.html?showComment=1561786672719#c4092030637740587740
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  68. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar


    1. Finextra & Citi: Crypto is back in fashion: Is the future of money tokenised?


  69. Published on Jun 27, 2019
    President Trump gives a speech on Digital Trade on a Digital economy at G20

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  70. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with Trump on that point.

      Liked by 1 person

  71. whitehatsauxiliaries Avatar

    Battonge d’ OWoN:

    The vast mega quad Ts of the old M Bonds are failing redemption within US borders and they were a very credible solution but the multiple Sovereigns today acknowledged if US Converted the funds will never leave. Exactly as forewarned. It’s a total Pirate operation. Humanity or Pirate rules? The Zios own the Banks Roach rules!

    Q: Setback? Or just more of the same and expected?

    A: I fully pre warned key parties they could not expect to take vast Ts of historical US Bonds into jurisdictional reach of the worst collective of parasitical thieves in the world and not expect blocks. Since the gross lies and betrayal of all treaties with Native Americans. Chicanery has been standard practice.

    The main PP accounts funds come up for review tomorrow so we battle again. Getting one past lying thieving Varmints would be a start.

    Each day we try. It only needs one to break the log jam. Faint hearts win nothing. We have 6 core accounts to battle, and we block all AU until redemptions. Next week holiday chaos so we take a day at a time. Dealing with liars, thieves and parasites is not for the faint hearted

    Read more at: https://www.oneworldofnations.com/2019/06/active-comment-section-17-june-2019.html?showComment=1561652605743#c7372105330572183481
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